Part. 6

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Fuck fuck fuck!

I think i messed up shit!

Today was a total mess. When i saw him like that today with those sexy body full on display my wolf has been going crazy.

I always dreamt of getting a cute mate when i was little. And i did got one. But i never thought jungkook had this side on him. Those well defined abs and the beautiful tattoo on his chest, he looked so hot that i could take him then and there. My wolf V has been going crazy to hold our mate in our arm for so long and seeing him like that was the last string.

Wolfs are more possessive towards their mate in nature and damn when i saw those girls and boys gawking at my mate i was about to snap every single person's neck if jimin didn't hold me back.

I avoided him as much as i can during PE cause i don't wanna mess this up for both of us. Then again luck wasn't on my side when jungkook came and stood there infront of me while i was taking a shower.

V was trying to take control of me after seeing our mate in this close while us being alone ina small room. But i tried my best to hold him back. I took deep breaths to control my thoughts and mind. But he wasn't going away and he tried to get more close. I avoid his touch at all cost cause that would be the last string to control my wolf.

I almost lost control when i slammed him on the wall. I wanted to kiss those plump rose lips.  I want to suck and bite those lips playing with it between my lips. I want to explore his mouth with my tongue while he moan into my mouth.

I was about to kiss him when he pushed me away ran out of the bathroom. Then only i came back to my senses.

Fuck! I hope things won't be messed up for us


"Okay so what is the problem?" Jimin said putting down his tray and sitting beside me. We were having lunch at the school cafeteria 

"What?" I said not interested in having a convo right now. 

"you think I didn't noticed?" you and jungkook have been acting very awkward with each other since morning and now he said he won't able to eat lunch with us  he is clearly avoiding you. what did you do?" jimin said sighing knowing that i indeed done something when i gave him a guilty look

"taehyung-ah what am i suppose to do with you?" he said shaking his head 

"just tell me what happened already" jimin folded his arms and looked at me i scratched my neck and told him what happened

"you did WHAT? oh my love i am glad that he didn't slapped you across your face!" h said rubbing his face  while mumbling how i should learn to control my wolf.

jimin is right actually. i should learn to control my wolf and myself. but i couldn't help it when he was practically naked.

after getting a long lecture from jimin i went back to my class which i shared with jungkook and what is more worse is that we have an assignment to do together. idk if he will ignore me again i am already going crazy by how he tried to avoid me since morning. 

i entered to see him sitting on our usual seats. glad that he didn't changed the seat. i went to him and sat next to him. 

"hi jungkook"  i said mustering up my courage which he replied with a small hello. i can literally see him shivering by my gaze. i sighed internally and focused on the lecture.

after the lecture was over i saw jungkook gathering his things at fast pace and ready to leave the room but i grabbed his arms and sat him down back. i need to clear things between us i can't let him go on like this. 

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