Part. 24

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Jungkook admired the wooden work of the packhouse hallway. Taehyung had taken him to give him a tour around the packhouse. It's been three days since he came here and eventhough he had seen most of the part there were still some part of the packhouse that he hasn't yet seen. It was huge it would definitely take him more than three days just to look around the packhouse.

Taehyung showed him around introducing him to whoever is passing by them. They have reached to the eastern part of the packhouse from where pack dealings are usually happened. There was a long corridor leading to a meeting room and they were currently walking through them.

one side of the corridor were decorated by different frames with different portraits and the other side was windows. Taehyung had said that it was the past pack leaders and some of their ancestors. Jungkook admired each of the persons as well as the wolfs on those pictures. All of them looked either elegent or powerful. As they walked down the hallway they finally reached infront of a big painting. It was of a family. 

There were seven people in the picture. An old man along with his wife was sitting while two couples were standing , one of them had a baby in their arms. He instantly recognized the alpha and luna and realised that the baby was none other than his mate Taehyung. Jungkook smiled looking at the cute family painting admiring each one of them. The painting was beautiful and detailed. He trailed his eyes across them halting on a particular person. 

The woman looked awfully familiar to him. He frowned slightly trying to remember but couldn't exactly pin point where He had seen her. He shrugged thinking he might have seen her around the pack. He turned to Taehyung who was also admiring the picture. 

"Is this your family picture? " he asked softly making Taehyung look at him and nod his head.

"This is my grandparents" he said pointing at the couple that was sitting. 

"And this is my father and mother along with baby me" he said and jungkook looked at the baby again cooing

"Ofcourse it is! As cute as always" he said pecking Taehyung's cheek.

"Who is the cheesy one again?" Taehyung said with a small smirk to which jungkook grinned sheepishly. 

"And who are these people? " jungkook asked curiously pointing at the couple that was standing next to taehyung's parents. 

"Ohh them... this is my aunt and her mate. She is my father's adopted sister, she is the one that drew the picture. My mom said that she was such a sweetheart but unfortunately she along with her mate had died when I was still a child in a rogue attack" Taehyung said the last part in a low voice as if the walls would be sad if they had heard him. 

Jungkook looked at the woman once again in sadness. his eyes trailed to her neck where there was a beautiful necklace laid. His eyes widened taking out his own necklace in an instant and comparing them both. And to his horror they looked exactly the same.

He squinted at the photo once more and it clicked to him. This was indeed the person that had visited him in his dream. this was the person that guided him when he was lost and this was the person he had unconsciously missed. This was his mother.

HIS mother.

He turned to Taehyung when he cupped his cheek asking why he was crying That's when he noticed the tears that was freely flowing through his cheeks. He looked up at his mate with glossy eyes.

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