Part. 28

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They both reached outside the room where jimin was kept. Jungkook looked for yoona frantically only to see her in her mate's arm with a relieved smile on her face Making him confused. 

Yoona looked up seeing her son along with his mate approaching her. She got up and ran to them With a wide smile her eyes tearing up a bit.

"Tae! Kook! It's chim! He- he woke up! Chim woke up!" Yoona shouted making both of them smile widely in relief. Jungkook could feel his eyes tearing up a bit out of the relief he felt after a long hour of turmoil. 

"What did the doctor say? Did he make it out of danger zone?" Taehyung asked after hugging his mother tightly. He had a big boxy smile on his face and kook felt content seeing his mate's eyes lit up after a long while. 

"Yes he did Tae. The doctor said his wolf has somehow regain a little power over his body and started to heal faster. And now he had healed enough to ensure saftey and now there is nothing to worry about as the doctors are confident they could heal him completely with meds and all" she explained calmly with a smile still on her face.

The doctor came out of the room with a smile and greeted the alpha. He told them there is nothing to worry and that jimin would be transferred to a room soon and that they could visit him after that. Before he could turn around and go a nurse came out of the room and whispered something in his ear making him nod his head.

"Alpha. Jimin is currently awake and he had requested to meet someone named jungkook which we think is the name out of his broken sentence. So if there is someone like that in here he could go and meet him right now" jungkook's eyes lit up upon hearing his name. He walked forward and told the doctor he was jungkook To which the doctor smiled politely. 

Jungkook entered the room with his heart beating loudly in his chest. the doctor removed the curtain that was covering jimin's bed and jungkook's breath hitched. Jimin was laying there with so much wires attached to him. He was pale and looked almost lifeless. Seeing his usually cheery and bubbly friend laying like this broke his heart.

He walked closer to Jimin when he saw him opening his eyes slowly as if it pains him to do so. He held his hand in his and slowly called his name almost a whisper scared that he would hurt him otherwise. Jimin opened his eyes fully once he heard his name being called. He looked at jungkook and offered him a weak smile. Jungkook felt his tears coming up but he tried his best to suppress it.

"Al.....pha" jimin said in a broken coarse voice which jungkook almost didn't heard if it wasn't for his warewolf ability.

"Alpha is outside chim. Do you want me to call him?" Jungkook asked not understanding why he was mentioning the alpha.

" my...alpha" jimin managed to say through his sour throat. Jungkook could see his heart rate starting to slowly go up through the monitor. He told jimin to calm down and not to stress himself.

"I don't know what you are saying chim but please don't stress yourself. You just woke up just now." He said rubbing jimin's arm hoping to calm him down.

"Jung-kook! You.. are my alpha! We are f-from...the same....pack.. you are.." by the time jimin forced himself to say those sentence without breaking he was having a hard time breathing and tears have started to pour from his eyes.

Jungkook held him tight not knowing what to do. He shouted for the doctors while jimin still tried to talk. By the time doctors barged in jimin was already unconscious and they told him to wait outside.

Jungkook was initially confused as to why jimin was mentioning him as his alpha but then he remembered. Jimin was his father's beta's son. So that means they were from the same pack and being the only child of the alpha he was the next in line alpha maybe that's why jimin was desperately trying to tell him all those things.

Wait does that mean he regained those forgotten memories?  If so how did he recognise jungkook?

Jungkook was at a loss of words when he exited the room and a worried yoona and Taehyung bombarded him with questions while joengin stood at the back looking at jungkook.

He then explained everything to them about the incident that just happened and yoona started to cry again. She was feeling really sorry for her child. He had to go through these whole poisoning incident and he had to also remember that wretched night. But nonetheless they were glad that he was now alright and safe. 

The doctor told them it was a reaction out of severe stress and frustration and that he would wake up again soon. They were preparing to shift him into another room. 

They were all sitting in silence waiting for the shifting to be done when Jungkook remembered that he forgot his phone in the canteen earlier. He excused himself before going to the canteen to pick up the phone hoping that it would be at the same place he left it.

To his fortune the phone was at the same table he left it. He jogged towards the table and picked it up and started to walk back towards the room. He was feeling extremely tired as he didn't sleep or eat anything and he also spent most of his energy crying. He stretched while walking through the hospital corridor. He was feeling like he would drown in the oncoming sleep soon and he honestly didn't wanted to.

As he was walking he heard a crying noise. He looked to his left where there was a small balcony and saw a girl sitting there crying. He wanted to ignore the girl and go back but something in him didn't wanted to leave her alone so he went towards the girl to ask her about the reason she was crying.  

He reached the girl and bend down a little to hold her shoulder but before he could touch her he felt a pain behind his neck before everything turned dark. 

Behind the now unconscious body of jungkook stood a man wearing all black with a sinister smile on his face.

"I am gonna enjoy this" he whispered before picking up the body and fleeing the place.



Anyway so.... :-)

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Ps:- please do tell me if you want longer chapters Or if you are okay with short chapter. 

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