Part. 33

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Jungkook was woken up by hearing the chaos outside. He opened his eyes hastily sitting up. He saw his mate already at the door running outside to see what's going on. He too got up and ran outside. He saw everyone at the pack house running here and there and everyone had the same anxious look on their face.

He followed Taehyung to the main area and found everyone including the alpa sitting there discussing somethin. 

"What's going on?" Taehyung asked looking at his father. 

"Taehyung! We have a situation here" he said signalling both of them to go towards him.

"it's the exausia! It went missing" The alpha said making both of them shook. 

"What do you mean missing father? Was it not hidden securely? " Taehyung asked looking at his father in anticipation. 

"It was....untill yesterday" The alpha said sighing. 

"It was a grave mistake on my part" he said looking down for a second.

" we don't have time to sit and talk. I already sent some warriors to search around different directions and we are doing our best to get hands on them. It's pretty obvious that the rogues had taken them so we can't let them use it" The alpha said rushing his subordinates to search for any sign.

"But father. didn't you said that the crystal need certain ritual for it to work? And also it will only work on full moon? " Taehyung asked hoping to calm his father.

"That's the thing Taehyung! Tonight is full moon" He said looking directly at his son. Taehyung's eyes widened on realising that they didn't have much time. If they somehow knew how the crystal works then tonight will be a tragedy if they didn't stop them. 

Jungkook never felt this guilty and out of place before. The way the alpha was glancing at him earlier made him think that maybe he was the reason for this. If he wasn't acting up yesterday then they might not have been able to reach the crystal. But still how is it that they knew exactly where the crystal was if it was only them that saw the crystal. Unless......

"Where is beta Jonah?" Jungkook asked now noticing that the beta was nowhere to be found.

"He is...." The alpha was about to say but stopped himself looking at jungkook like he just realised something. 

"He went missing since this morning" The alpha said eyes distance with thoughts.

"..ohh" is all he could mutter. Before anyone could question anything one of the warrior wolfs came rushing in and drop to one of his knees.

"Alpha! We've found movements in the north forest. people have reported seeing orange glow passing through forest" He said hurriedly. 

"Everyone be ready in five minutes we are leaving" The aloha ordered in an authoritative voice giving his son a nod before going away. 

Taehyung went upstairs to have a quick change of clothes and jungkook too followed him. He tried to talk to his mate once they entered the room.

"Tae I-" 

"There is no time to talk jungkook we need to go find them before things escalate" He said without looking at jungkook while changing his shirt. Jungkook was sad that he wasn't looking but from the sentence he was atleast assured that he is invited to tag along on this mission. Since he was the prime reason for this he might as well solve this problem. Jungkook was determined to not let anything bad happen even if it cost him his life. He had a feeling he owe everyone that.

He changed his outfit and followed Taehyung out of the house. Everyone was already standing in a circle where the alpha was assigning position to each of them. They were determined to go to war if needed. 

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