Part. 30

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Taehyung sat at the chair near jimin's bed. He had been transferred to a room half an hour ago and they all have been waiting for him to wake up. Taehyung fiddled with his phone which was showing his text with jungkook. 

Jungkook texted him a while ago saying he was tired and would go home to rest and Taehyung agreed despite feeling odd. He was so worried about jimin that he haven't even been eating and now that jimin was about to wake up wouldn't he want to be here? Taehyung shrugged off that thought thinking he might be truly tired.

But now that he has been trying to reach him through call to inform him about jimin he is not picking up his call. And that really started to worry Taehyung. He tried to call him five times yet he didn't pick up. And jungkook is not someone who would miss his call.

Taehyung was worried something might have happened to him since he didn't even ate anything. Jungkook was a new wolf hence he might not have developed the full warewolf strength. Taehyung could go on without food for days without getting tired but he wasn't sure about jungkook. And now he feel guilty for being the reason why his mate didn't eat earlier. 

He got up to check on jungkook but halted when he saw jimin stirr from his peripheral vision. He turned to him and walked towards his bed calling out his name. Yoona heard her son and looked up from where she was laying on her mate's shoulder. She rushed to the bedside and hold jimin's face tenderly telling him to open his eyes. 

Jimin slowly opened his eyes only to shut it back with a hiss. He adjusted his eyes to the blinding light shone to his eyes. He looked around seeing all the people he care about looking at him worried and relieved. He offered a weak smile untill he noticed that jungkook wasn't there.

"Whe....jun......ook?" Jimin asked weakly as he felt his throat dry.

"What is it dear? Do you want water?" yoona asked urgently telling joengin to take some water.

"Jung...kook" he managed to say before he drank the water yoona gave him.

" He is not here currently chim. He went home for a while" Taehyung said looking at his bestfriend. He saw his eyes flashing with worry as soon as he said that.

"no! He is not suppose to be alone! Tae! He is in danger!" jimin shouted with wide eyes worry written all over his face making Taehyung panick for a moment. 

"What?" He asked confused and in disbelief. 

"Call him Tae!" yoona said pointing at his phone. She was too worried about jungkook. 

"O-okay" Taehyung stuttered out and dialled his number. He have been trying to call him for a while but now that he know there was a possibility of him being in danger he was more than worried. if jungkook didn't picked up his phone this time too Taehyung sweared he would go crazy.

"Hello" came the tired voice of his mate making Taehyung sigh in relief. He felt the way all the stress leaving his body the moment he heard his mate.

"Jungkook! Where have you been! I've been trying to reach you for a while. You made me worried y'know" Taehyung said softly while signalling his parents that he was okay.

"Sorry i didn't heard the call" jungkook muttered. 

"It's alright. Come to the hospital kook jimin is awake" As soon as he said that he could heard shuffling from the other side of the phone.

"Wait really! Is he alright? How does he feel right now? What did the doctor say?" Jungkook asked hurriedly making him smile.

"He is alright kook. And he wanna see you right now so come fast okay?" He said earning a 'I am coming' from the other side before he hung up his phone. 

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