Part. 15

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Taehyung watched his mate who was bouncing his legs in nervousness. He shook his head when jungkook looked at the mirror fixing himself for the nth time.

"Are we there yet?" He asked looking at taehyung with his big doe eyes.

"This is the 8th time you are asking that question love. And yes we are about to reach there" 

Jungkook grumbled mumbling things to himself.

"Well you said that half an hour ago and we still didn't reached there. I don't even know why I am so damn nervous it's not like I am going there to impress her or anything. I mean I don't want her to think that I am a bad person but still I don-" taehyung interrupted jungkook's rambling by placing a soft kiss on his cheek.

Jungkook froze, his cheeks heating up from the sudden action. He cupped his cheek where taehyung kissed, looking at tae with open wide eye and slightly agape lips. Taehyung couldn't help the chuckle that escaped his lips. He looked at his mate ruffling his hair because damn his mate looked so adorable.

"Calm down, will you? She gonna love you kook. You don't need to be scared or anxious" tae said softly.

"Easy for you to say" jungkook mumbled turning to the window looking outside Pouting childishly.

After a minute or two taehyung stopped the car and finally announced. 

"We're here!" He said getting out of the car.

He walked into the passenger side and opened the door for jungkook. He looked at his mate and told him to come outside. Jungkook, aftet a moment of hesitation stepped out of the car. 

Taehyung offered his hand which kook took gratefully.  Taehyung laced their fingers together making jungkook blush. Taehyung cooed at his adorable mate.

They both walked towards the small house that was surrounded by the forest. Taehyung walked up to the door and knocked three times waiting for the door to be opened. 

Jungkook stood there waiting patiently, each passing seconds making him more and more anxious. He got startled when the door opened. He looked inside expecting to see a olderly lady but there wasn't anyone. He looked around confused. He looked at his mate when he heard him chuckle.

"Let's go inside kook" he said softly leading his confused mate inside.

They walked inside the living room to see a young looking maid waiting for them. She smiled as soon as she saw them. She bowed her head acknowledging her future alpha and luna.

" alpha, please take a seat.the elder will come down in a minute." She bowed again leaving to the kitchen once they sat down.

Jungkook looked around the room admiring the tons of the paintings that was hanging from the wall. The room was decorated with vintage wood cravings and thrifts.

Jungkook looked around stopping at a big painting that was on the centre of the wall ahead of him.

He slowly got up from where he was sitting on the couch making tae look at him confused. He walked slowly towards the painting getting mesmerized by each step he took. He stood infront of the painting,  it was of a young woman in a red cloth.

She was very much beautiful and elegent with blue piercing gaze. She stood with grace and an aura of power. There was a large wolf on the background with the same eyes as the woman's. 

Jungkook was in a trance staring at the picture. Whoever drew that picture got some real talent. They had the talent to make their painting look alive.

"That was a gift from an old friend" The sudden voice from behind startled jungkook making him jump and turn around.

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