Part. 13

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Jungkook sat beside taehyung on the cafeteria munching on his food. Jimin sat opposite of them glancing at their direction time to time and smiling to himself.

After being constantly stared at jungkook sighed and looked at jimin

"If you have anything to say just spit it out hyung"  Jimin smiled wide upon hearing this making his eyes disappear

" I don't have anything to say" jimin said waving them off 

"You sure??" 


Taehyung smiled shaking his head watching his bestfriend and mate making jungkook glare at him. Taehyung immediately stopped smiling and sat up stright.

"So are you guys like together now? Did you accept eachother" jimin asked after his giggling pit.

"Well what do you think?" Jungkook asked raising his eyebrow

"Damn! sassy much?" Jimin asked crossing his arms. Jungkook just shrugged and leaned back on his seat. Taehyung was amused by jungkook's sudden change of behaviour.

"Well where is all these sass coming from" Taehyung asked leaning towards Jungkook. Jungkook turned around and gave taehyung a look but his eyes widened when he noticed how much close taehyung's face is to his. His breath hitched but he wasn't ready to back down.

"I've always been sassy little mate" he said  leaning in a bit forward his hand supporting his face.

"Who are you calling little?" Taehyung said tilting his head with a sexy smirk playing on his lips.

Jungkook bite his lips chuckling a little he put his index finger on tae's forehead and pushed his face back. Taehyung chuckled and bopped his nose.

"Why don't you both just get out from here?" Jimin said interrupting them of their sweet time  he gave them the side eye making both of them cackle. 

"Awww...does my hyung get jealous because he is single?" Jungkook asked pouting making a crying face annoying his friend as much as he can.

"No! But it does make me disgusted" jimin said scrunching his nose 

"Hey that was offensive " taehyung said glaring at his bestfriend playfully

"No not you silly! You are the most adorable person i've ever met. how can you make me disgusted."

"And however that makes me more annoyed" taehyung said rolling his eyes.

Jungkook and jimin started to chuckle annoying the poor alpha who just sighed. After a while of chattering jimin excused himself and went to his next class while the lovely mates just decided to sit back and hang out some more.

Taehyung looked at his mate taking the chance to admire him. He was sitting there looking through his phone. He scrunched his nose when he read something he couldn't understand. It was so cute and taehyung was sure that he is whipped for this boy.

 He can't believe jungkook accepted him. He felt his eyes water a little looking at his mate for whom he have been waiting his whole life. Eventhough they still have a lot of problems to solve he was glad that his mate is here with him safe and sound.

"Staring someone without their permission is rude" jungkook said without looking up from his phone. Taehyung got surprised by his sudden statement being got caught in the action.

"I thought you already gave me the permission to stare?" He said tilting his head to one side.

"Really? When did I?" jungkook said still looking at his phone.

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