Part. 23

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The newly marked mates walked through the pack hand in hand. Jungkook leaned in to his mate enjoying his warmth. The people that passed by them greeted with respect offering them warm smiles. The pack was already fond of their future Luna. They could see he is a good man.

Jungkook had decided to take a stroll with Taehyung after the breakfast to enjoy the fresh air. He also had to bring up the fact that he need to shift as soon as possible. Jungkook didn't had any idea how to bring it up with Taehyung so that's why he decided to walk through the forest along with his mate. Somewhere that no one would be able to see them.

Jungkook looked up to the sky. The trees towered above, their branches twisting and gnarled like grasping fingers. A thick carpet of leaves muffled their footsteps as they made their way deeper into the woods. The air was thick with the scent of decaying leaves and damp earth.

Once they reached deep into the forest jungkook stopped in his track turning to his mate. He still held the hand that he was holding and looked at his mate making Taehyung raise an eyebrow in question. 

"Tae I need to tell you something" jungkook said making Taehyung tilt his head.

"Well my wolf spoke with me this morning"

"Wasn't your wolf talking to you before?" Taehyung asked confused. 

"No?.... I mean he kinda went MIA after I talked with him at elder's" jungkook said unsure.

"Why didn't you tell me then? It could've been something bad" Taehyung said with a frown feeling slightly angry and irritated at his mate's carelessness. 

"Ok ok calm down now. Nothing is there to worry about. He was kinda meditating y'know to adjust and regain his power" jungkook said sheepishly feeling a tad bit guilty for making his mate worry. He rubbed Taehyung's side to calm him down a little.

Taehyung shoot him a warning glare not to do something like this again. Jungkook promised him to share everything with him from now on. Once his mate finally calmed down jungkook brought up the thing he wanted to tell again.

"So that being said the thing I actually wanted to say is that, my wolf want us to turn" jungkook said with a sigh.

"What? Why??" 

"He said then only he would heal completely" jungkook said with a shrug not giving it much thought.

"But isn't it too soon? Kook it's your first shift you didn't even learned much about shifting. How do-.." jungkook silenced taehyung's rambling by putting his finger on his lips.  He could feel his mate's worry in his bond. He looked at his mate with adoration. 

"Shhh..... stop worrying for nothing. I am more than ready for it and i've read and heard much things about shifting and all plus you are here with me. So yes there is nothing to worry about. The only problem is that jimin is gonna kill me if he knew I turned without him. but we will deal with him later" jungkook said with a smile. Taehyung felt a little at ease at the determination of his mate but still he couldn't help but feel hesitant. 

Jungkook gave him a peck and told him to stop worrying and smile. Jungkook continued his action till Taehyung finally smiled and gave him a long kiss. Jungkook hit his chest with a smile, his ears had turned red.

"stop sulking and guide me already I am a newbie in this" jungkook said and took a step back. He looked at Taehyung expectantly to which Taehyung sighed finally giving up.

"Fine then Let me warn you it's gonna hurt a little. You might feel extremely uncomfortable and feel strange but do now worry you will be alright once you fully turned into a wolf okay?" Taehyung said which earned him a nod from jungkook. 

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