Part. 17

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Jungkook was sweating. He could feel his heart pounding on his chest. he lifted his shaking hand to his chest slowly rubbing circles. 

Jungkook got startled when he felt a hand holding his hand fingers lacing with eachother. He looked to his left to see taehyung who was smiling at him reassuringly. Jungkook felt a little at ease at his mate's presence. He tried to offer him a smile but came out as nervous frown. 

"Aren't you gonna knock?" Taehyung asked making jungkook hesitate.

They were on the doorstep of sofie's house which was also his a day ago but now he has his doubts. Jungkook had no idea how sofie is going to react. It could be anything but jungkook wasn't honestly ready for it. He was just desperate for things to be over so when the morning came he dragged his mate to this house to meet sofie.

But now that he was here he was having second thoughts about this matter. It wasn't too late he can actually turn around and run back to his mate's house. But before he could consider that option Taehyung already knocked the door maiing jungkook stare at him with wide eyes. Totally in shock about the total betrayal his mate just committed.

"I mean you were just staring at the door instead of knocking so I thought I would help" Taehyung said sheepishly. 

But before jungkook could reply the door suddenly opened wide making jungkook froze. He turned around slowly towards the door to be met with his sister sasha who was staring at him wide eyed. 

"Jungkook?" She said in a surprised voice which came out as a question. Jungkook smiled at her genuinely but there was a sadness shining through his eyes. He tried to greet his sister but was interrupted by the loud yell

"MOM!!! jungkook's here" sasha yelled at the top of her lungs running inside the house leaving the door opened. 

Jungkook was a little concerned about her reaction but decided to invite himself nonetheless. He walked inside yhe house making sure to indicate tae to follow. He walked towards the living room not knowing where else to go. He halted his steps when he heard a soft whisper

"Jungkook" came sofies voice which cracked a little. Jungkook turned around to see sofie standing there with a pained smile on her lips Which hirted jungkook. He felt a pang of guilt swirling on his chest. He tried to say something or anything but couldn't find the words.

Sofie walked towards jungkook her pace fastening with each step she took. She reached jungkook and raised her hands, jungkook expected her to slap him but what he met with was a warm hug which made all his worry and tension leave him.

Jungkook was confused. He expected many things, he imagined many scenarios but this wasn't one. He didn't honestly expected her to greet him with a hug not when she saw him in that state.

"Jungkook" she called out again this time voice more clear but a small sob escaped her lips.

"Where have you been son? You know how worried I was? Who told you to leave the house at the middle of the night? I thought you would come back but you didn't for a two whole damn day. I thought...I thought something happened to you" she said breaking the hug and looking at him with teary eyes.

"Who told you to leave?" She asked tears pouring out of her eyes which made jungkook start crying. He felt tears running down his cheeks one by one. He rarely saw sofie cry she was a tough woman but to see her cry because she was worried about jungkook was truly warming yet aching at the same time.

"I thought you wanted me to leave" jungkook said choking on a sob

"What? No god no!" Sofie said in pure disbelief. 

"Since when did I told you to leave jungkook! Why would I-.... no wait I understand what you are feeling but no jungkook I never wanted you to leave and I would never want you to leave no matter what jungkook you are my son alright? Whatever you are or however you are I would love you the same" sofie said cupping jubgkook's face.

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