Part. 3

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Did you ever been in a situation where you cried your hearts out till there is no tears to cry and yet didn't got enough comfort and want to cry all over again? Yup that's how i feel now. I am in my bed with my warm blanket around me yet i feel so cold and lonely. Just some weeks ago i was laying here with someone hugging me lulling me to sleep. But now i am all alone in this dark moonless night crying and crying for someone who don't deserve it. Even though i say it alot my dumb naive heart still ho back yo our old sweet memory where we always cuddle and exchange sweet words. Gosh why is it so hard for me to move on.

It's currently 2 30 yet i couldn't sleep. Whenever i tried to close my eyes all that comes in my vision is some stupid ass*ole who betrayed me. Am i crying because i am sad or mad? Idk! Being betrayed is not all that easy. Like in those fairytales where you are broken and suddenly your prince charming appears and then you got over it and marry him. It's all some stupid shit and it's called fairytale for a reason. But why do i still wish someone like that to appear and take all my pain away. I closed my eyes laughing at my own joke. Prince charming? Hah! Aren't i done with the heartbreak i just went through. This stupid love!

Then again should i lose all my hope and trust just because someone betrayed me though? What if there is someone who truly loves me out there? Stupid me still talking about love.

I closed my eyes with a long sigh hoping that god will help me with my inner turmoil and will make that ass disappear from my mind. But this time instead of seeing the black eyes i saw a dark brown eyes looking at me with tender and concern asking me if i am okay or not those pink lips moving softly turning into a sweet smile. The melodious deep laugh with adoration the deep voice calling my name.

I sat up immediately shaking my head. What the..... Now what god! Why is he appearing now, i am already uncomfortable seeing him don't make me go through that again. I scolded myself slowly touching my chest where my heart belong i felt it beating faster than usual. I took a deep breath and closed my  trying to calm my heart.

It's the feeling again. The moment i saw taehyung I've been feeling this weird sensation i felt i was being drowned in those eyes whenever he calls my name i felt a little jumo inside me . I felt we were somehow connected. With some deep bond between us. No! Stop right there! You are just lonely jungkook being lonely and heartbroken make you feel things it's normal. Yes it is normal. I convinced myself going back to lay down. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep but this time nothing was there no trouble no vision just darkness slowly lulling me to sleep.


"JUNGKOOK SHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIII" I heard jimin's high pitched voice calling me across the hall i turned around to see him running towards me with the biggest smile on his face eyes disappearing, he ran all the way to my locker and jumped on me surprised with his sudden movement i barely caught him and balanced myself almost landing on my ass. 

"Jimin-shi carefull! What's with the sudden excitement" i asked as i peeled him off of me setting him on the ground he just shrugged and hugged me again 

"Ahh~ i missed you so much jungkookie" he whined and wiped off his imaginary tears i rolled my eyes unamused by his over dramatic reaction even though we just met a day ago 

It's been some time since me and jimin became friends. Something about this guy makes me feel warm and comfortable. Jimin is that type of guy who will see you as his own brother the second time you meet. At first i did felt a little uncomfortable about him being overly comfortable and caring all so suddenly but as we hang around for some days i got to know he was a genuine guy who cares about almost everyone. And i was sure about that on that one day where we were eating our lunch together and suddenly stella and her friends came to me and made a scene being a bitch and bargaining about how she got my ex and blah blah blah. I wasn't really all that sad but man was i uncomfortable!? Hell yeah!! I was about to snap but jimin did before i could and literally destroyed her by his sassiness. And man that's how i really started to like him. as in like as a friend by the way. 

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