Part. 9

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Jungkook stood in the hallway with his sweaty palms pressed against his side. He looked up to see class 6f written on the door.

It was located on the far end of their building, an abandoned classroom used by couples to 'hangout'. 

Jungkook took a deep breath his heart rate increasing by each minutes passing by. He didnt know why but he was feeling really nervous since taehyung told him to meet him. 

He couldn't even concentrate on his class. The whole lecture he sat there and thought about all the possible things taehyung could say. 

Jungkook was lowkey excited for this meeting, he felt like a teenage girl with a crush feeling excited and nervous all at once. 

He took a deep breath and opened the door stepping inside revealing an equally anxious taehyung standing there biting his nails. 

Taehyung looked up when he heard the door being opened his past nervousness washing aside when he met the eyes of his one and only beautiful mate. 

He unconsciously smiled seeing how nervous jungkook was. He just wanted to run to his mate's arm and hug him for the rest of the day. 

But remembering the reason for this meeting made him feel sick to his stomache. 

Jungkook offered him a small smile and got inside closing the door behind and muttering a small 'hi'  

His mate looked so cute that he want to kiss him all over his face. 

Taehyung took a deep breath to calm his nerves and wished him back smiling. 

"Hey kookie" he said almost inaudible

'It's now or never tae'  he heard V in his head encouraging him to talk 

he sighed suddenly feeling so exhausted the lack of sleep come crushing at him. He started to walk slowly towards jungkook and snaked his arms around his waist Putting his head on jungkook's shoulder.  

Jungkook's eyes widened by the sudden approach but he accepted it nonetheless. He heard taehyung sighing snuggling against his neck the arm around him tightening. 

Jungkook slowly raised his hands putting one hand on taehyung's head and the other drawing small soothing circle around his back. 

Jungkook felt the urge to tighten his hold and kiss taehyung's cheek. 

He can feel the depressed aura around taehyung. He noticed how his mood have been going down. He is certain that taehyung was going through something and he desperately wanted to be the one to comfort him. Even he was confused as to why he was feeling this way. 

"Jungkook-ah can you promise me that you won't hate me after this" taehyung whispered unable to find his voice

"What is it tae " jungkook asked softly

Taehyung pulled back from the hug moving a little back. He didn't knew how to start so he took a deep breath closing his eyes tightly and said it

" i am warewolf"

Taehyung kept his eyes closed not knowing what jungkook would do but upon hearing nothing but the silence taehyung slowly opened his eyes looking up.

Taehyung expected many things jungkook being terrified , him crying , yelling many thing. But he certainly did not expect jungkook to stand there with a done face.

"Seriously taehyung! I've been worrying about you for hours i thought about all the serious issue you could discuss yet this is what you had to say? Don't you think it's a little overboard? Acting all depressed just to prank me?" Jungkook said all in one breath with a frown evident in his face.

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