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After the bliss of the weekend passed by it's monday again. I walked through the hallway lazily not bothering to check my surroundings. I reached my locker and suddenly felt someone standing beside me. I turned around to see taehyung standing there with a sweet smile on his lips. I looked at him annoyed making his smile widen. For real what's his deal.

"Good morning kookie" he said with his deep voice making me feel something strange

"Good morning! Where's jimin" i said while taking out my books and closing locker. I started to walk slowly towards my class. I heard taehyung huff and walk behind me making me smile a little. He put his hands around my shoulder and put his chin on my right shoulder. I felt his hot breath hitting my earlobe making me go stiff too afraid that his lips would touch my neck if i turned a little. 

"Com'n man! I came up to you this early and wished you but you ask me where jimin is? Like what about a how are you?" He said rolling his eyes. I smiled and hit his head with the book i was carrying making him pout while rubbing his head. 

"Well i did wished you back. AND i asked jimin cause you guys are always attached to hips with each other so not seeing one of you just made me curious" i said while removing his hands from my shoulder which he instantly wrapped a round my waist making me blush. 

"Fine fine. He don't have morning class  today thats why he didn't came with me" he said making me nod my head. 

After what felt like an hour of walking with taehyung literally clinging on my back we reached our forst class. And you know monday first class is the worst. Especialy when it is mr.john's class. No offence but the guy take class like he didn't slept for two days. I sighed and sat down on my seat taehyung taking the seat right beside me. I took out my phone and started to scroll on my social media while i felt taehyung doing the same even though i felt him looking over me time to time. 

I saw stella coming towards us with her red lips a little pouty and a text in her hands. She came to us and stood beside taehyung making him look up. He raised his eyebrow at her questioningly which made her smile sweetly.

"Oppa~ sorry to disturb you! But can you please help me solve this problem in maths i am so confused here" she said with her slutty voice while bending down a little giving a full view of her big boobs through her long neck croptop making me almost gag. I averted my eyes instantly praying to god that taehyung is not looking at her. I side eyed him and saw him rolling his eyes clearly being uncomfortable with her boobs literaly shown in his face. He scooted back a little to avoid her. 

"Uhh...ohh this i don't actualy know it i was planning to ask jungkook about this!"he said in a tight voice and turned towards me with her book in his hand and suddenly i felt his features softening and relaxing looking at me making me smile at him. 

"Jungkook could you help me with these" he said in a soft voice. I don't know if he is trying to escape from her or genuinely asking me a doubt but Nonetheless i helped him clear the problem. I felt him scoot closer to me while i explain to him how to solve the math. He hummed time to time making my ears hot and titled his face while looking at me with puppy eyes and a small pout on his lips whenever he didn't get things clear making me almost coo at him. 

I noticed how stella got annoyed by our close proximity and lack of attention towards her making me smirk internally.  I gave her a side glance which annoyed her. She stomped and went out of class while cursing. Taehyung looked at her cluelessly and mumbled something then shrugged his shoulder.  


If you ask me which is my favourite period is i would say PE for sure. But the only thing i hate about PE is when we have to swim. I know how to swim but is too lazy to do so. So whenever we have a swimming class i simply sit on some benches avoiding the couch at all cost. I am not the only one though there are many students who do the same. 

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