Part. 31

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Jungkook sat at the couch in the alpha's office along with his mate while the alpha was discussing some things with his beta.

He was torn between telling them about the kidnap or keeping it from them. He want to enquire about the things that man told him but something in him was keeping him from doing so.

"It must be some of that cursed rogues. We should've made sure everyone was dead" The beta said rage filling in his eyes. Jungkook immediately got interested in their conversation as he heard this.

"you are right! I didn't thought anyone would escape. But seem like we left some people" the alpha said with a sigh while he leaned back on his chair. Jungkook felt something in him stirr at the way the alpha and his beta was talking about murder so casually. It made him doubt whether the things that man said might be true. 

"Who are you talking about?" Jungkook dared to ask after a while finding some courage making both the alpha and beta look at him. The alpha hesitated a bit to reply to him but the beta, still in the rage, told him in a harsh voice.

"The damn rogues who had started everything! The war, The fight, The massacre! And all just for a-" The beta was interrupted by his alpha telling him to stop. The beta apologised for his outburst and stood there silently but he could still see the way his eyes were shining With rage.

"Did you killed all the rogues?" Jungkook asked in an unsure voice.

"Not all apparently" The beta said arrogantly not noticing the sudden hesitance and tension in the air. Taehyung could see that something was bothering his mate but he decided to stay silent.

"How did you kill them all? Did you know where they all were?" He asked again now looking at the beta.

"Yes we did. We traced their pavilion back then after so much difficulty and had to fight them. There were more wolfs than we thought. We had lost so much of our warriors back then" it was the alpha that explained this time in a much calm voice.

"Did you kill everyone there?" Jungkook asked again.

"What are you getting at jungkook? " the alpha asked him raising one of his eyebrows making him gulp.

"Well.... I was just wondering if.... if you had killed innocents and childrens just like how they did to us" jungkook said finally and the silence followed was deafening. 

"We did" The alpha admitted softly after a while with a sense of guiltness or something else flowing in his eyes.

The word had shattered the thin thread of hope jungkook had in him. He had hoped for the kidnapper to be wrong a liar and that he was messing with his head but now that he looked at the alpha who was looking down on his lap he couldn't help but wonder if there was any difference between them and the rogues. 

He looked at Jonah the beta, who was now looking down the rage he had within him earlier had died down to ashes a sense of shame washing over him.

"Then tell me alpha what is the difference between them and us?" The alpha sighed as if he was already expecting the question. 

"Jungkook.. I think that's enough" Taehyung spoke for the first time looking at his mate sternly yet softly. He could understand jungkook but questioning his alpha wasn't something he could tolerate.

"It's okay Taehyung. He have every right to ask questions" the alpha said waving his hand.

"We didn't had a choice jungkook. You know how the rogues had slaughtered your entire pack. We couldn't take chances" Jonah said in a calm voice looking at him.

"You didn't had to kill the children though?" He still asked persistent on his thought.

"Jungkook even the kids-"

"Jonah" The alpha interrupted his beta and told him to calm down.

"Jungkook I know your concerns but we had our reason to do what we did alright?" The alpha explained feeling his patients thinning out.

"And I am asking about the reason Alpha" He said trying to maintain the politeness in his voice.

"Jungkook why are you suddenly asking questions?" Taehyung asked looking at him with raised eyebrows But he stayed silent. He couldn't bring himself to tell them about the kidnap for some unexplainable reasons.

"Jungkook son Listen. There are things that you are not aware of right now so it's fair that you feel this way but I will let you know that we and them are not the same alright? " said the alpha.

"Right" he said in a small voice looking down suddenly not wanting to talk anymore. 

"I would've said to show me the proof then again I know you wouldn't. So there's no point" jungkook mumbled before getting up and going for the door Taehyung following him. 

"Stop!" Said the alpha before they can reach the door making them both turn around.

"You wanna know the reason jungkook? " the alpha asked in a serious tone Making him frown.

"Jonah lock the door" He said without looking at his beta making his eyes widen.

"But alpha! Are you really....." jonah trailed off looking at the alpha in disbelief. 

"Yes. I think I owe him that" He said sighing.

"But you didn't even showed me that yet" The beta said still looking disbelief. 

"Doesn't matter jonah. Everyone would know one way or another so why not let them know right now?" The alpha said getting up from his chair. 

Jonah bowed his head and went to lock the door. He locked the door and nodded his at the alpha. And Jungkook and Taehyung stood there looking at them both with a dumbfounded expression not knowing what is happening. 

The alpha walked around his desk and went to the shelf that was in his study and pressed a certain book. And suddenly the shelf had parted in the middle and it opened and showed a narrow path down. Jungkook's mouth was hung opened seeing this. He looked at the alpha with uncertainty but the alpha only motioned him to follow.

And jungkook along with his mate followed him without knowing what to expect.



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