Part. 27

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It was dark. It felt suffocating. Something was covering his eyes making him unable to see anything. He felt his body being pushed down his hands and legs tied in a suffocating hold of an octopus. He tried to move his body but couldn't. It wasn't under his control. 

He opened his eyes slowly, the process hurting his whole body. He was laying somewhere. He looked down to himself to find him covered in blood. 

Wait blood!? Was he hurt? No! He wasn't hurt. It wasn't his blood, it was.......

He looked to his left and saw a woman holding him tightly while looking upto the sky. No she wasn't looking up, her eyes were void.... she was dead and it was her blood that he was now bathing in.

Jimin felt nauseous. what was happening? where was he? He Don't remember coming here. Who is this lady... she is... she is my mother? 

Vague memories started to flood his mind as he looked at the lady that was holding him tightly. This was his mother. The lady that gave birth to him. The memory of his mother came crashing down on him and before he knew he was crying. he was wailing out aloud calling for his mother and telling her to get up. 

His mind and body wasn't under his control and he was having a hard time breathing. He wanted to get up from whatever nightmare he was going through. 

In the middle of the turmoil he noticed that his body was young. Much much younger than him. Then he realised that this might be memories. Memories that he locked up in the deepest pit of his mind.

In the middle of his panicking state he didn't noticed someone lifting him up and holding him close to a warm chest. It felt comfortable and warm. He opened his eyes to look at the person who was holding him and he truly wish he didn't. The person had blood scattered all over him. His own blood or someone else's he had no idea. He wanted to run away from here yet the body hugged the man tightly wailing in his chest.

The man comforted him to his best and promised his saftey and health. He walked away holding him close to his chest and telling him how proud he was yet all he could focus on was how his mind is chanting the word father on repeat. So was this his father?.

Jimin looked around the area only to see blood and gore. Wolfs were fighting eachother ripping eachother's throat apart. Everyone and everything was bloody and there wasn't even one thing intact. He didn't even notice when he started hyperventilating. So much memories came crashing at him all at once. The memories that he forgot. The memories that his brain locked up because it was too much for his five year old heart.

'Jimin.... wake........please' 

He heard some broken sentences in the distance. Yes he wanted to wake up. But how?

'Somebody please help me get out of here.....I wanna.....I-......wa.......get.....out' 

He was unable to finish those sentence as he drift away, darkness clouding his mind and vision.


Outside the room the kim family along with jungkook was sitting in a tensed silence. Jungkook laid on his mate's shoulder feeling tired. It's been fifteen hour since jimin became unconscious and he is yet to come out of danger zone.

Just half an hour ago his heart rate have been started to go up making everyone panick. The doctors were running here and there and was trying their best to stabilize him but his body was jerking violently and he was hyperventilating. It was so bad that the doctors were afraid he wouldn't make it if this goes on another minute. But luckily they were able to stabilize his heart rate and bring him to calm down.

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