Part. 20

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jungkook was currently sitting in the canteen alone sipping his coffee. his class was dismissed earlier than usual hence he was waiting for his mate and bestfriend. 

taehyung and jimin had the same class and they agreed to meet jungkook in the canteen for lunchbreak. he was bored and didn't know what to do. he took out his phone and  started to scroll through tiktok. he was busy watching some funny video that he didn't notice the figure approaching him.

jungkook got startled when he felt someone grabbing his hand. he looked up expecting his mate but was met with mark who was smiling at him. 

jungkook swatted his hand as soon as he saw who it was. he stood up from where he was seated and glared at mark.

'' What do you want mark?'' he asked mark with venemous voice.

'' Ouch kookie. we are talking after so long and this is how you behave?'' he said pouting his lips which made jungkook visibly cringe.

'' I don't have time to play your stupid game mark. leave me alone'' he said grabbing his bag to leave the canteen but mark had grabbed one of its strap making jungkook stop.

'' Com'n kookie i just wanna talk. i swear i am not plying any game i seriously wanna talk to you please'' mark said in a serious tone his eyes begging jungkook to accept the request.

''sorry still don't have time for you. now let go'' jungkook said in a deep voice.

'' Please kook'' he said still holding on to the strap making jungkook unable to leave.

'' Stop calling me with nicknames bro. itr disgust me''he said in a harsh voice and mark looked down for a second in shame.

'' Sorry jungkook but please i just need to talk''  He said in a soft voice making jungkook sigh.

''Damn it! would you leave if i let you talk?'' he said in an irritated voice giving up.

mark nodded his head in excitement. jungkook looked at him suspiciously. he was sure as hell planning something.but jungkook ain't gonna fall for that. he is gonna leave him as soon as he said whatever he wanna say.

mark told him to follow him and walked away making jungkook confused. he don't remember agreeing to going anywhere. he followed mark nontheless.

they both walked towards the staircase which led to rooftop. jungkook walked two step behind mark not wanting to walk together. once they reached the rooftop mark turned around and face him.

'' What is it mark? if it is one of your stupid prank i won't hold back and will make sure that you will be dead before the sunrise.'' jungkook said in a dark voice being hundred percent serious.

mark chuckled shaking hs head muttering somethimg under his breath.

'' Did you moved on from me jungkook?'' mark asked out of nowhere making jungkook confused and startled.

''What?'' he said with a confused face before shaking his head.

'' Ofcourse! what were you thinking that i will ruin my life thinking about a cheater like you??' he said giving mark a nasty look.

'' Oh'' is all mark said with a saddening eyes. he looked down with guilty eyes.

'' It was a mistake y'know?' he said slowly

''What?'' jungkook asked.

'' i was drunk that day and i wasn't really in my right mind'' he said looking at jungkook with desperate eyes.

jungkook took a long deep breath. there is no way mark is now coming to him asking for forgiveness. he prayed it better be a prank cause he might murder him if he was serious.

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