Part. 21

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Jungkook was anxious sick and felt like crying. He looked at the back of his mate who was getting ready for bed. He was sitting on taehyung's bed wearing his pajama.

Jungkook had went into a shock mode when he heard taehyung's father,  the pack alpha, told him to get married to someone he doesn't even know the name of. It took him a whole half n hour to even come out of that state. It was like he suddenly went into a daze.

Taehyung was worried sick when he saw his mate staring into a blank space without uttering anything. He and jimin tried to call him but he wasn't responding to anything.

After he had went out of the daze he looked at Taehyung with teary eyes and asked if he was going to leave him. Taehyung dragged him out of the canteen as soon as the question left his mouth and went into an empty classroom. Taehyung hugged him and told him he was there and will never leave. It took lots of convincing for jungkook to finally calm down. 

once he had calmed down Taehyung dragged him out of college and drove to his house which was near campus. He convinced jungkook that nothing will happen and that he will tell his parents about him. He told him that his parents would never force him to do anything and they will never break mates apart.

With  determined eyes Taehyung told him that they are going to meet his parents tomorrow and will tell them about them. Once they reach his house he led jungkook to his room and told him to take a nap which turned into five hours long sleep. His mind and body was quiet exhausted and Taehyung didn't bother to wake him up either.

He woke up a while ago and refused to eat anything.  After a lots of persuasion Taehyung gave up and decided that they will sleep empty stomach. 

And now jungkook is sitting on the bed staring at his mate in a non creepy way and is thinking about today's events. How the day got from mark to marriage. 

Wait did taehyung say he was going to meet his parents with him? Jungkook's eyes widened at the thought. He wasn't in his right mind to think about that properly but now that the exhaustion left his body and his sour mood got a little better the thought sink in him.

He was literally going to meet his mate's parents and this wasn't the way he was thinking he would meet his parents. He was literally going there to tell them that he is his man and they should stop forcing his mate to get married to a random person. Okay maybe not but still the situation implies that.

Taehyung noticed jungkook was panicking when he turned around to see his mate biting his nails anxiously glancing here and there. He slowly walked towards him and sat on the bed next to him.

"What are you thinking about kook?" Taehyung said softly grabbing he hand that jungkook was biting and held it in his hand. 

"Tae" jungkook glanced at his mate who raised his eyebrows indicating him to continue.

"Are we- are we going to meet your parents tomorrow" he asked in a small voice making Taehyung nod his head.

"Yes kook. Don't worry we will go to them once the morning comes okay?" He said rubbing circles inside the palm of jungkook's hand that he were holding.

"No that's not what I am worried about! I am going to meet your parents tae! Like for the first time! what am I suppose to do!? I don't even know how to act! And- and it seems like they want you to get married to someone" jungkook's voice trailed off to whisper.

Taehyung cupped his cheeks and assured him again that it wasn't that serious.

"It's okay kook they are gonna love you! They are nice people kook. There is nothing for you to be afraid of" he said ruffling his mate's hair making jungkook grunt.

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