Part. 16

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Jungkook felt light. Like he was floating on clouds. Damn he felt so comfortable right now. He opened his eyes slowly a yawn escaping his lips he stretched his arms feeling relaxed. He looked around to see an unfamiliar room and bed that he was laying right now. he felt panick seeping through him but calmed down when he smelt his mate's sweet scent in the room. 

He looked around the room for a moment admiring the decor. It was a master bedroom with a king sized bed. There was a huge window on the left side but the curtain was covering it. The room was neat and tidy. 

He turned to the side feeling lazy to get up. The bed was really soft and comfy. He picked the pillow that was next to him hugging it tight. His mate's scent was strong meaning that he was laying here a moment ago. He wondered where he was. He sniffed the pillow closing his eyes and enjoying the scent but blushed when he realised how perverted he is being right now.

He slapped his cheeks for his actions but he couldn't help the smile that was spreading on his lips. He got up from the bed before he did something stupid and went out of the room stright away.

He stroll through the hallway clueless about where to go. After roaming around for 10 minutes he finally found the staircase. The house was fairly big and had number of rooms making jungkook wonder whether he was in taehyung's house or his family's. He froze for a moment,  the thought of meeting taehyung's parents at this messy state didn't felt right with him. he prayed to god that wouldn't happen right now.

He descend the stairs and started to wander alone. His ears perked when he heard sounds coming from what he assumed was the kitchen. As he followed the noise he was proved right when he saw him mate cooking in the kitchen. The sweet smell of food hit his nose suddenly making him hungry. 

He lean against the wall and folded his hands on his chests. He admired his mate whose whole attention was on the vegetable that he was chopping. He saw how hot taehyung looked with his shirt's sleeves rolled up to his elbow. 

Jungkook couldn't help his legs which automatically went to his mate his arms circling around taehyung's waist. He back hugged his mate planting his nose to his neck and taking a whip of his mate's scent. He was shocked by his own actions he never thought he would act like this but here we are.

Taehyung wasn't startled when his mate hugged him. He merely smiled already been aware of his presence the moment he step a foot on the kitchen. Taehyung felt all giddy when jungkook inhaled his scent. His mate was finally initiating intimacy. He was more than happy right now. The excitement making him almost cut his finger off.

"When did you wake up" Taehyung asked.

" has been some times. Your house is big y'know. I actually kinda got lost" jungkook said with a breathy laugh escaping his lips. 

"Is that so" taehyung chuckled leaning back on his mate. Jungkook instinctively started to rub taehyung's side Making taehyung hum In satisfaction. 

"Is it really your house? I mean do you live here alone?" Jungkook asked tilting his head out of curiosity. 

"I do live here alone. Jimin come over sometimes. This used to be my family's house then they moved away. Since it is near college I just decided to move in here. I go back to pack house when I have something to deal with. Other than that I stay here" taehyung explained resuming his cooking while jungkook still clinging on his back.

"Pack house? Is it where your family is?" Jungkook asked 

"Yes. The pack house is like the centre of our pack. My family along with some of the pack members stay at the pack house. Others move out and build their own home on the territory of the pack" taehyung explained again.

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