Part. 11

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Jungkook have been feeling light after talking to jimin. he did say that he would try and that's what he is trying to do. 

He have been hanging out with jimin again and started to slowly feel comfortable around him Again. He slowly started to realize that what jimin said was true. 

Even though they are warewolf it's still the person he met before. He slowly started to accept the fact that they are warewolfs.

He always ask jimin questions about warwwolf and most of the facts about warewolfs are really fascinating to jungkook. 

But despite his baby steps to accept the truth there is still one problem. Taehyung.

Jungkook still didn't see taehyung after the incident. Taehyung didn't come to classes. When he enquired to jimin about taehyung he said that he was busy with alpha duties and that he will Come back soon. 

But still something told jungkook that he was still avoiding him .

Now that jungkook started to accept the mate bond he started to feel the loss withing him. He always miss taehyung and most of the time all he think about is meeting taehyung. 

He don't know when he is going to meet him and mend things between them. He is getting more desperate as the days goes by and he don't know whether he should hate that or not.

And the other thing that happening to him lately is that the dream. 

He has been dreaming about the same lady again and again. In those dreams he will call her 'mother' and they hug and she comfort him. And there will always be message by her like 'you need him' or 'you should accept him'. And by the time he wakes up he will be crying. 

Jungkook is scared tbh. He even considered going to a psychiatrist but he wonder whether it has anything to do with the mating bond with taehyung. 

After a long day at college jungkook went back home. He come down after freshening up . He went to kitchen and  he saw sofie cooking in the kitchen. He went up to her offer his help which he declined saying dinner was almost ready.

After having a tasty meal with his family he went to his room for a well deserved sleep.

Even though sleep has been avoiding him because his brain would rather think about taehyung than sleeping he went to lay down on his bed.

After a moment of trying to sleep he finally fell into a peaceful slumber.


Jungkook was sleeping untill he felt a slight wetness in his left cheek. He frowned a little trying to go back to sleep but the wetness only grew covering the whole left aide of the face.

He sat up abruptly gasping. He looked around to see him sitting in the middle of a forest.

He looked around confused and scared. He was sleeping in his bed some moment ago but now he is sitting in the middle of nowhere.

He looked around to see big trees surrounding him. He looked at where he was sitting. The ground was wet from probably the rain. It was muddy making his cheek wet and dirty.

There was still a little rain spraying from the sky. The sky grey making it much darker inside the forest.

Jungkook was scared and confused at the same time. Is this one of those dream again?

But he always dreamt of the lady in a space where nothing is clear. There wasn't anything surrounding them but a vast white infinite space.

But this time it was so clear and real that he almost doubt whether it was a dream or not. It felt so real, the way his hands are getting soaked by where he placed his hands in the ground. The way his heart is beating so loud and clear.

Jungkook slowly got up from where he was sitting. He felt his legs a little wobbly. He used the nearest tree for support and started to walk.

Everything felt so real and clear. Now he actually doubts that this is a dream.

His eyes slowly started to tear up from panick he looked around frantically, he was about to scream when he felt some movement behind him making him come to a halt and hold his breath.

He wanted to turn around so bad but his gut told him not to. After a moment of silence he turned around slowly only to be met with nothing.

He looked around confused and scared, he was so sure that he felt some presence behind him a moment ago but now there's nothing but big trees.

He released a breath he didn't know ge was holding. He needed to calm down in this situation panicking wasn't an option.

He should first make sure that whether this is a dream or not. And if not, how he ended up in here.

Jungkook started to slowly move from where he was standing. He slowly started to walk forward without a destination in mind.

He was about to walk further, but then he heard a noise coming from behind a tree.

Jungkook looked towards where the noise come from and frown. He know he should be running away but something in him told him to walk towards it.

He slowly started to walk focusing on not making much noise. The noise seem to be getting clearer as he took each step. It sounded like something was crying out of pain.

He walked further and further into the forest. After walking for a moment the voice finally lead him into an opening.

There was an opening in the middle of the forest and there lies a wounded wolf who looked so out of breath.

Jungkook's eyes widened his heart clenching, he looked at the wolf, it was a big grey wolf and its eyes were closed. It was breathing heavily and looked like it was in so much pain.

He slowly started to walk towards it suddenly feeling the urge to comfort the wolf.

As he took more step towards it he suddenly started to feel some kind of force pulling him form behind.

He was walking but with more difficulty in each step. He tried his best to stay stable but as the power of the force grew he felt his legs starting to get weak.

He was so close. He almost touched the wolf but suddenly a strong wind came hitting him making him flew further away.

He crashed against a tree and fell to the ground scratching his arm in the process. He felt his consciousness leaving him as his eyes slowly closed. But then he heard and unfamiliarly familiar voice whispering

"I am so proud of you my son, you did a good job" he saw a shadow standing next to him as they caressed his cheek ever so lovingly. He tried to stay awake but then the darkness engulfed him making him fall in the deep dust of blackness.

Jungkook gasped for air and sat up abruptly. He looked around in panick to see him sitting in his bed with his pajamas on. His eyes widened in realisation.

Was he dreaming all these time? But how? It felt so real. The wolf, the force it all felt so real.

The wolf felt so familiar like he knew them for so long. He still remember every single details of the dream he just saw and it was making him anxious.

He know he shouldn't think about it anymore. It is probably a meaningless dream that his subconscious mind making up but still....

He sighed and lay back down he shrugged all the thoughts form his mind moving them aside. And decided to sleep again. He still had plenty of time before going to school anyway.

He drifted off to a dreamless sleep easily. But what he didn't notice was how his arm had a scratch which wasn't there before his sleep.

ETERNAL LOVE || TAEKOOK FF || WAREWOLF AUWhere stories live. Discover now