Part. 2

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I looked to my right to see taehyung looking at jake like he is gonna kill him. He looked so angry a weird aura surrounding him. His dark brown eyes darkened looking almost black. He looked really scary at the moment. Students surrounding us moving little backward to give him space clearly bring scared of him. I looked at him in the eye but i couldn't really get scared of him instead i felt something different. I felt kinda safe. I must be crazy he look like he can kill 10 people at once.

Jake layed on the floor nose bleeding still crying. His nose bridge seems broken. He looked at taehyung with horror in his eyes. Taehyung moved forward launching at him and started to beat him up. He sat upon jake and started to punch his jaw breaking it in the process. The cafeteria filled with jake's cry. if he punched him one more time he sure will die. Jake was about to passout.

I ran to them seperating taehyung from jake. He still tried to wiggle from my hold and ran back to him. Jeez what did jake do to him. I hold him by his torso from back and signalled jake's friends to get him out of here. Taehyung was still wiggling to go out but he didn't used his full force i hold him tightly and whispered in his ear to calm down. And that seem worked as he slowly went numb in my arms. He took a deep breath and sighed.

I sighed in relieve and that was when i noticed our position. I was literally back hugging him holding him tight while my face was close to his ear, lip barely touching his earshell. I breathed heavily knowing how much close we were to eachother. Taehyung suddenly turned his face to the side causing our nose to touch. I stopped breathing for a moment again getting captivated in those dark brown eyes. Taehyung was looking at me intensely. He looked at my eyes and his eyes slowly started to trail down landing on my lips. I immediately pushed him away when a thought of taehyung kissing me with his soft pink lips passed my head. What the hell was i thinking. I felt blood rose to my cheeks when i saw taehyung smirk. I glared at him and went back to my seat. Losing my appetite to eat i sat there playing with my phone.

"Aren't you gonna eat" i heard his soft voice . He came and sat beside me. I turned to look at him. He sat there  looking at me with a soft smile playing in his lips face being supported by the back of his palm. He looked so soft and innocent that no one would believe if i said he was gonna punch someone to death just now.

"None of your business" i sighed and went back to my phone. Why do he care whether i eat or not. I should probably stay away from as to not get too much attention. I could already feel the whole cafeteria looking at our direction. Well who wouldn't? He just made a scene right now. And as i said i don't want too much attention to me. And also taehyung seems to be the one who like to make things go his way. Amd mostly a trouble maker. He probably would be a threat to my scholarship dream. So no!

"Yk skipping meal is not really good to health"

"You think i am five??" I raised and eyebrow at him. He just smiled and moved a little closer to me.

"You know jungkook! *Picks up the chopstick* five year old or fifty year old skipping meal is still not good for health" he took some food and put it near my lips telling me to open my mouth.

I stared at him surprised. I looked at him dumb founded not knowing what to do. Am i really gonna let this man feed me? I looked at his face which is close to mine. I noticed his face features. He have a dark brown eyes with heart shaped pink soft lips which would be really nice to kiss. I licked my own lips gulping. Looking at his lips like that why do i wanna taste it so bad.

"Instead of looking at my lips like that, why don't you eat it"

I got startled by sudden interruption realising i was staring at him for so long. I blushed when i registered what he said. I looked at him eyes widening and blush deepening  when i saw him smirking.

ETERNAL LOVE || TAEKOOK FF || WAREWOLF AUWhere stories live. Discover now