Part. 29

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Jungkook opened his eyes slowly his eyes getting hurt by the blinding light shown directly at his eyes. He hissed quietly shutting his eyes tightly before reopening them slowly. He noticed that he was laying in the floor while his hands were tied behind his back.

He frowned at confusion and tried to remember what happened. And that's when he remembered the incident happened in the hospital making him tense. He have been kidnapped!

H tried to sit up but it was difficult as his hands were tied. He was laying in the floor sideways. He looked around to see darkness around him. The only source of light is the small bulb that is hanging directly above his head and the bare light it provides wasn't enough to light up the entire room. The small circle where the light shine showed a cemented floor and he could see an outline of a table near him.

The room was eerie silent and the darkness beyond the light was creeping him out. He wanted to call out to someone if not to get help atleast to make sure he didn't go deaf by how silent the room is. He tried to calm his nerves and focused on his breathing. He could still feel the drug that was in his system. And his head was pounding. 

He didn't know what to do hence he decided to lay still untill someone comes and tell him what the hell is going on. he knows it is not normal for someone to be kidnapped in a hospital especially the hospital in taehyung's pack. Hence he is sure that this is not just some random ransom kidnap but a planned one. Maybe the people that poisoned jimin was the same people that kidnapped him right now. the thought alone made him angry. Yet in the middle of all these chaos he didn't felt any fear in him. As he was laying there hands tied behind him with drug making him feel drowsy yet he didn't felt scared of the entire situation. Maybe it was the presence of his wolf that comforted him. 

Right! His wolf! 

'Hey buddy you there?' Jungkook called for his wolf in his mind hoping to get a reply.

'I am' came the short reply of the wolf. 

'So you know what happened? ' 

'No.  was busy trying to neutralise the drug effect'

'so I have indeed been drugged huh!'

'Not any drug kook, it was wolfsbane. And it is not easy to heal that. You better be glad that you got a strong wolf like me' the wolf said smugly making jungkook chuckle.

"Oh so you are finally awake!" The sudden voice made jungkook get startled. He looked around to find the source of the voice but the darkness prevent him to do so.

"Who are you?" Jungkook asked in a groggy voice getting surprised at how sour his throat feels.

"Oh darling we will leave the introduction part for later. Now tell me jungkook how do you feel?" Asked the voice from the darkness.

"Shitty" jungkook said shrugging a little. "Would be better if you could cut this ties off" he said moving his hand to show him what he meant.

"Ahh... I heard that you are little feisty so I didn't wanted you to run around" he said making jungkook visibly cringe. 

"Cut the crap buddy and tell me why I am here" he said getting impatient on the careless behavior of his kidnapper.

"Ahh...well an impatient one too huh? Taehyung must be having fun with you" the kidnapper said finally stepping onto the light. 

Jungkook saw a probably six foot man with a raven hair and a thick beard. His ears and nose were pierced and he had tattoos all over his neck. all in all he looked like a douchebag to jungkook.

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