Part. 8

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Taehyung and jimin was sitting on a couch across Rosanna,  the elder, while she stared at them resulting in an awkward silence.

Taehyung cleared his throat but before he could say anything, rosanna spoke,

"It's okay child I already know why you are here, you don't need to explain anything, However,  I am afraid I can't provide you with enough information" 

"What do you mean elder?" jimin asked softly confused making the elder chuckle.

"This is not as easy as i thought. All I could tell you is that the child you are worried about is indeed a warewolf, a strong one to that, perfect to rule this pack along side you" she whispered the last part nodding her head to herself with a small smile.

"But elder, if jungkook is a warewolf why can't I feel his wolf?" Taehyung asked in a desperate tone worrying about his mate

"His wolf is there but not acknowledged, making it slip into a deep slumber, however as time goes by it might not be able to wake up anymore" the elder trailed off

Taehyung felt his core shook by her words, he glanced at jimin who was already looking at him with worry evident in his eyes

"What should we do elder" jimin asked softly squeezing taehyung's hand when he saw his bestfriend's distress

"You should wake him up" she said in a clear and firm voice


"You should let him know the existence of his wolf, you should wake his wolf up from it's deep slumber, that way you might be able to get answers for your most questions" 

"And how do we do that elder" taehyung asked looking at her in hope of getting any advice or anything.

"Idk young alpha, there could be ways like triggering him or letting him try communicate with his wolf, however u should let him know of the existence of our kind first"

"I've dealt with many kind of things yet I can't seem to be reading into this, but with my experience the reason why his wolf might be locked away is probably because there is no chance for that"

"What is it elder, what were you going to say" taehyung asked the elder with curiosity

"Nothing. I was thinking about the ancient ways a wolf could be locked up but there is no living soul who knows that beside me" she said glancing at jimin with a shimmer of sadness in her eyes

"I think it's time that you take some actions young man, before it's too late" she whispered the last part getting up ans slowly walking towards upstairs.


"Taehyung are you going to eat or not? I get that you are worried but starving yourself is not really going to slove any problem" jimin said in an annoyed tone catching the attention of few students who were sitting near their table in the cafeteria

It's been 2 days since they met the elder and after hearing her not so clear answers taehyung have been stressed and hardly eaten anything which worry jimin.

He didn't do any of his duties nor ate or sleep he sat across jimin almost lifeless.  Hearing about their mate his wolf have went into a state of depression. He didn't know what to do to save his mate making him feel more helpless. 

Taehyung felt much more worse now that he don't have his wolf to comfort him. He spent the entire day thinking about how to come out to jungkook but all he could think about was the worst outcome.

He was scared would be an underestimation, he didnt know what jungkook would do or how he would react once he get to know the truth. He knew he had to tell him everything one day but he didnt think it would have to be so fast. 

He initially planned to get close to him then warm up to eachother then once they have trust in eachother he would come out. But given the situation now he have to tell him as soon as possible or else his mate's life would be in danger. 

As helpless as it sound taehyung wasn't ready, ready to tell him about everything and face the possible rejection.  

"Hey guys wassup" jungkook approached them with a cheerful smile on his face which fell as soon as his eyes land on taehyung who was sitting there half dead. 

"Oh..hii kookie" jimin said with a smile his usual chreerfulness not evident in his voice which worried jungkook more. 

"What happened to the both of you i didn't see you both at all today" jungkook said sitting beside jimin glancing at taehyung who was playing with the food not looking up 

"Nothing kookie...our taehyungie here is really stressed and haven't been eating properly for 2 days so I am pretty much worried about him" jimin said earning a glare from taehyung. 

"Really?" Jungkook looked over taehyung worriedly which warmed taehyung his features instantly going soft. 

Taehyung offered a small smile to jungkook which came out as weak making jungkook sigh. 

Even though taehyung wants to hide his feelings and pretend that he was okay but seeing jungkook just made it worst. 

He thought about how his soft features would turn terrified once he knows who he really is. He could imagine his mate going crazy. 

Jungkook stood up from his seat and went around the table sitting next to taehyung which surprised tae.

Jungkook sighed and took the chopsticks from his hands and picked up some food  and held it against taehyung's mouth. He didn't know what came over him but taehyung stressing and not taking care of him really worried jungkook. 

"Well a wise man once told me that no matter whether you are fifty or five you need to eat food on time, so tae I can understand that you are really stressed and all but you need to eat your meal. Com'n open up ahh~" 

Taehyung sat there stunned with his eyes wide open. He slowly opened his mouth and jungkook fed him happily. Jungkook smiled ear to ear commenting a small 'was that so hard'

"And stop frowning it doesn't suit you" he said softly massaging taehyung's forehead 

Taehyung sat there in disbelief yet grinning with whole heart, 'cause it's the first ever time jungkook took the initiative, usually it's just taehyung annoying jungkook and jungkook getting either frustrated or flustered. 

Jungkook looked at taehyung who looked so depressed a moment ago now sitting there with the biggest boxy smile he ever saw which kinda reminded him that he was giving the later a head massage. 

Jungkook retreated his hand fast and sat back with an awkward cough leaving his throat.  

He looked ahead to see jimin looking at them with an amused smile playing on his lips.

"Now that I am sure taehyung is going to be okay I will get to class, take care of tae kookie I will see you both later okay, bye" jimin said in one breath and got up leaving no room for protest, he signalled taehyung to not worry and offered jungkook a small smile before walking away. 

The two sat there in an awkward silence which grew more and more uncomfortable as time pass by. 

"So.." jungkook said clearing his throat to get rid of the awkward silence but didn't knew what to say 

"Are you free this evening jungkook-ah" 

Taehyung looked at jungkook expectantly which made jungkook tilt his head 

"Umm... yes I guess, why?" 

"Could you stay after your class is over I wanna talk about something important" taehyung said with such seriousness making jungkook gulp. 

"Yeah I could" he said feeling nervous for some reason. 

"Great! I will meet you at class 6f then" taehyung said and got up with a smile

He ruffled jungkook's hair then left without saying anything leaving jungkook sit there with his nerves raising. 

What is it that taehyung wanted to say. The way his eyes wasn't sparkling like usual did made jungkook worry but the curiosity made him a little bit excited too. 

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