part. 14

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jungkook opened his eyes from his deep and comfortable sleep still feeling quite exhausted. He looked around, it was still dark yet he felt too troublesome to sleep.

Jungkook sat up on his bed slowly feeling sour from the hard mattress he was laying in. Jungkook frowned remembering his mattress had always been soft and comfortable. 

He felt around with his hand still in a sleepy state. He felt a hard surface beneath him similar to rock. Jungkook felt wide awake within a second.

He looked around soon realising that he was in one of his dreams again. Jungkook is used to it by now. Seeing strange dreams almost every night. 

Sometimes it's just him laying in a forest and he roam around. Sometimes it's someone trying to attack him. And some other time it's that strange wolf laying injured in the middle of the forest. Yet whenever he try to approach it somekind of wind make it's way to prevent him. but the problem was it all felt way too real. Each pain each freight each cold, everything felt way too real to him.

Jungkook stood up slowly taking in his surroundings. it was different scenario from usual. He stood on top of a big stone on which he was laying early. It was few feet from the ground.

He cautiously jumped down from the rock landing perfectly on the ground. He turned to his left seeing a cliff which was inviting him to jump off. He turned around shaking his head shutting down his intrusive thoughts. He saw a large forest behind him. 

He sighed feeling exhausted.  He considered jumping off the cliff to be awake from the dream but was too scared to do so. He turned around once again when he heard strange noise coming from the forest.

At first he thought it was the wolf but as he focused soon realise that it was a women's voice. The voice was kinda familiar to him. But still couldn't pinpoint where he heard it. 

He slowly walked towards the forest , the voice leading him. he checked his surrounding to see if he could see someone. But he was met with nothing except a bunch of trees.

But as he took a turn his leg came to halt. his blood boiled from the scene that's playing out infront of him. He saw stella leaned against taehyung's chest and was trying to kiss him.

He knew this was a dream and it was his own mere imagination but yet when he saw the scene which gave him a dejavu he lost all his senses and started to Sprint towards them.

He ran with his all might. He felt his legs moving yet he never reached them. He felt frustrated.  He felt a force preventing from moving forward yet he used all his will to break through it. 

Jungkook screamed in frustration and agony, he felt his skin burn as he tear through the invisible force that keeping him away from his mate. He saw stella looking at him with a smirk. Taunting him for his misery and weakness.

Jungkook felt rage spark inside him. He forced his way through the force that keeping him in his place unaware of the change in his eye color and his canine tooth extending. 

Jungkook was finally able to break through the force. He staggered forward a bit. Nearly landing on his face. As soon as he was free he jumped towards where his mate once stood. 

But as he jumped a little higher than usual, he landed on a wolf. The same wolf that kept appearing in his dream. Jungkook stared at the wolf while coming to his senses.

He realised how he lost his mind over a dream. He felt stupid over jis action But become all too aware how his body still felt burning. He hissed a little his attention going back on the wolf. He looked at the grey furred wolf slowly moving his hands to touch it. But as he was about to touch it suddenly the wolf opened it's eyes staring directly at jungkook. 

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