Part 25

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Jungkook saw how joengin's eyebrows are raised high in disbelief. He could feel his palms turn sweaty on how nervous he was feeling. He didn't knew why he was so nervous but he looked at the alpha and swallowed, his throat suddenly feeling dry. He felt his mate circle his arms around his waist to comfort him. 

He glanced at Taehyung not knowing what to do and as usual Taehyung gave him a reassuring glance. He looked back at the alpha who was now looking at him with a frown. 

"Let's talk about this somewhere else dad" Taehyung said causing the alpha to finally take his eyes off jungkook and look at his son instead.

"Follow me to my office" the alpha said after taking a deep breath.

He turned around walking away expecting the two young warewolfs to follow him. His walk was rigid his head held up high and each of his stride screamed power and confidence. He had an aura Jungkook only seen when he was dealing with pack issue. Jungkook knew Joengin had switched to his alpha persona the moment he saw how serious he looked.

The only thing keeping jungkook from turning around and running away is the hand that was still on his waist. Taehyung looked awfully calm while jungkook was a nervous wreck. He stood infront of the table that was in the alpha's office glancing everywhere except the person standing infront of him.

The aura Joengin was letting out was of authority and jungkook felt suffocated. Yet Joengin stood there patiently waiting for him to explain things. 

"Explain jungkook, I don't have all the time in the world" joengin said in a harsh voice making jungkook flinch slightly. 

"Dad be nice!" Taehyung said through his gritted teeth. He understood where his father was coming from. He truly did. He was an alpha and things like these he took it seriously. But currently his mate was already in a emotional mess and he didn't want his father to add into that.

"You don't talk to your alpha like that boy" Taehyung sighed knowing his father was dead serious. All he could do was rub the side of his mate's waist hoping that it would provide him some comfort. 

"Alpha! I am at a loss of words on how to explain this to you but joohi and dongyu are my parents" jungkook said after taking a deep breath thankful for his voice not breaking. He saw how the alpha's hand tightened into a fist trying to calm himself.

"And how do you know that?" Joengin asked in a calm voice but the way his eyes are shining is enough to know that he was holding himself back.

Then jungkook proceeds to explain. He explained everything. How sofie told him the way she got him and the story told by yoona too. And the timeline matched both the stories too. He told him the way he saw joohi, his mother, in his dream every night and how she would guide him and comfort him. By the time he was done telling the story the alpha sat on his chair in deep thought. Jungkook knows it is not easy to believe the things he was saying but it is the truth. And he hoped the alpha would believe him.

"How can I believe you jungkook" there goes his wish. He looked at the alpha helplessly. He don't have any idea how to prove it to him.

"I was there father. I was with jungkook when sofie told him about his past and I would stand as witness if you want" Taehyung said sounding all too serious and looked at his father with determination. Jungkook was thankful to his mate for standing up for him.

"Still..." the alpha hesitated a bit. Jungkook took out the necklace that was on his neck hoping that it would suffice the alpha's doubts. 

"Sofie had said that she got this pendant along with me. and I started to have those dreams when I started to wear them again" jungkook trailed off looking at the alpha in expectation. Joengin took the pendant from his hand and closely inspecting it. His eyes widened once he realised.

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