Part .7

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it was a hectic day. i had to go through shit lot of paper work. And a certain someone decided to stay on my mind and distract me. i sighed and i leaned back in my chair.

"seems like our alpha had lot to do" jimin said walking inside my office

"of course i had. it's not as easy as i thought "i said as jimin smiled and sat infront of me.

"so seems like we are not going then" jimin said shrugging while looking me with a sly smirk

"ohh hell nah. we are going" i said desperately making jimin laugh out aloud.

today finally we decided to go visit the elder to ask about jungkook and me. i was desperately trying to reach out to her but today finally i got a hold of her. and me and jimin decided to go visit her.

i am yet to confirm that he is really my mate because he is a human. that's why i didn't make a move on him. don't get me wrong i am certainly sure that he IS my mate but still jimin insist that we go see the elder. i will admit that i am nervous. i have grown impossibly attached to the not so little goofball. i don't know why but i just loved being around him. and i don't know what i will do if he is not my mate.

"Alpha, there is someone requesting your presence" i was getting ready when one of the maid came.

"tell them to wait" the maid bowed and left.

i don't know why they are treating me like a king. yes i am their future alpha but still its 'future' not yet? and what's with the requesting presence? who could it be?

i went outside after changing to see yoongi hyung sitting in the living room playing with his phone.

"yoongi hyung!!" i said excitedly going for a hug

" ahh...taehyung-ah it's been so long" hyung said returning the hug

yoongi hyung is an old friend of mine. we grew up together but lost connection when hyung decided to move out and stay at daegu among humans. I missed this grumpy cat.

"ohh sorry am i allowed to call you by name or should i address you as alpha?" he said dramatically covering his mouth obviously teasing me

"i think you should address me as alpha and may as well bow down whenever you see me" i said smirking making him roll his eyes. he went and sat on a couch murmuring how i am not so fun to play with. i giggled and sat opposite of him.

"so what's with the sudden meeting?" i asked as i got comfortable in the couch

"why? can't i come visit you now?"

"Of course you can but I know I don't have the honor to that" yoongi hyung rolled his eyes and suddenly got serious making me nervous

"ok tae let's be serious, i don't have time so I will come straight to the point, do you perhaps know anyone named jeon jungkook" ok that was so sudden and random and now i am extremely nervous for some reason

"yes? "

"is that a question or answer" yoongi raised an eyebrow unsure of my aswer

"yes i do know someone named jungkook and why are you asking"

Well is there something interesting going on that you should be telling me" yoongi asked

"Hyung stop with these talking in riddle just tell me already " I said getting irritated

" well seeing your reaction my guess was right" I heard yoongi mumble 


" jungkook is your mate, isn't he?" Yoongi asked suddenly making me startle. Wait how does he know.

"Well you don't need to answer that I already got the answer from your reaction. Well jungkook is a very dear friend of mine and he came to me yesterday to talk about the weird feelings he was getting for his classmate and guess what? The classmate's name was kim taehyung. I thought it could be you and he might be your mate and I was right" yoongi completed his explanation with a small smile. But I was sitting there too confused.

I am so delighted to hear that jungkook can feel the bond too, v is literally jumping around rn. But I am kinda sad that it makes him feel weird and hard to accept and I am confused how he can feel the bond if he is human. 

"You know just because there wasn't a story about a warewolf with human mate doesn't mean that's not possible." Yoongi said reading my mind   

" Maybe there was one in the past but nobody knew? Maybe this could be a first Time.  Who knows? But I am hundred percent sure that jungkook is your mate. So you better take care of my bro" yoongi said patting my shoulder assuring me everything will be alright.


Taehyung was hella nervous. Hell he can even feel his palm sweaty. After catching up with yoongi for a while  they bid goodbye and taehyung and jimin went to the elder.

Currently they are standing infront of her home unable to knock 'cause taehyung is literally stuck. 

Jimin rolled his eyes at his bestfriend and nudged him to knock. He was about to knock when the door opened startling both young wolfs.

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