part. 4

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And the most awaited day in a week of a uni student is here. The weekend!! It's the weekend today and the thought of not going to college almost making me squirm in happiness.

It was 10 am and i was still laying in my bed comfortably not caring about the world. I was about to go back to my beauty sleep once again but a soft knock on my door woke me up. I tried to ignore it but when the person knock again i sat up with a groan. I slowly got up from my bed and walked towards the door opening it while rubbing the tiredness out of my eyes. 

"Good morning jungkook" i heard a soft and gentle voice. I looked up to see sofie, my step mother standing there with a soft smile on her face, i wished her back returning the smile while she gave me the coffee she prepared for me. 

"I thought you were so tired from all those uni works so i didn't woke you up. But it's already almost 11 so you can't sleep in like that anymore. Go and take a shower and come down i already prepared breakfast for you and your sister so don't sleep again alright?" She scolded me softly while patting my head telling how i am getting thinner day by day. I gave her a little chuckle while shrugging which made her glare at me a little. She again remind me to go down immediately and went out of my room. 

Even though she is my step mother she always looked after me like her own child. I never felt left out and whenever i missed my mother , whom i never met , she always comfort me giving me a sense of belongingness. She adopted me when i was almost three years old. She have a daughter who is two year younger than me. And about my mother..i don't even remember her face. But still sometimes a vague figure will come to my dream calling my name with a melodic soft voice. 

After doing my morning routine i went down to see sasha, my step sister sitting in the counter while munching a carrot while mom was cooking. 

"Good morning big brother" she said while giving me a big smile and a little wave 

"Uhh.......good...morning?" I said while titling my head confusingly, she gave me a look asking what's wrong 

"Well i never heard you call me big brother let alone respecting me" i said trying to hold back my laughter when i saw her done face 

"Tsk...and that's exactly why i don't respect you , damn man i thought i should be nice cause mom said you are tired but i think you are energetic enough to make lame jokes" she said while pointing her finger at me while frowning 

"Awww....are you worried about me little sis" i asked while pinching both her cheeks making her slap away my hand 

"Get out of my face you monkey face" she glared at me while i laughed my ass off sofie gave her a side glance cause we all know she changed the curse because mom will whoop her ass if she heard it. 

"That's enough play now come on let's eat" mom said while giving the both of us a smile. I went to wash the plates while sasha set up the table. After a lot of teasing from my sister about not getting a boyfriend and all we finally finished eating. 

I was about to go to my room but i saw sofie going to clean the house. She and sasha always clean the whole house every weekend while me either studying or out. I offered her to clean which she accepted happily saying the more the mere. I gave her a laugh and went to the store room to clean because it is the hardest part of the house to clean sasha literlay pushed me to this room and told me to clean and ran away. I sighed seeing how much dusty this room is. Man now i kinda regret coming here. I took a long deep breath and started to clean. This was a room to stock old things. While cleaning it i came accross many things that are useless and wonders why they are here. 

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