Part. 19

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Jungkook was lazing around in his room when he got a call from his mate who told him to get ready and that he will be on his way.

Jungkook had no idea where they are going or why they are going but being a good mate that he is he got changed into a simple shirt and baggy pants and is currently waiting for taehyung to arrive in his porch.

Jungkook looked at his phone checking the time. It was already the time taehyung said he would be there. He was about to call him but got interrupted by a car horn. He looked upto see his mate waving him to go over.

Jungkook ran upto the car and got inside the passenger seat. He greeted his mate with a quick peck on the cheek.

"So where are we going?" He said as soon as he buckled up. He was dying of curiosity since taehyung didn't mentioned about anything.

"Wow not even a hello?" Taehyung said chuckling.

"Oops. Hello! Now tell me where we are going?" He asked again looking at taehyung with excited eyes who just pocked his forehead with his index finger. 

"I am not gonna tell you so don't bother asking. It's a surprise. You will see once we reach there" he said and started driving.

Jungkook frowned but didn't bother asking knowing well there is no use for it. He instead looked outside the window enjoying the view passing the car. He purposely avoided any conversation with taehyung.

"Seriously kook? Are you sulking right now? Com'n I said it's a surprise! " taehyung said shaking his head with a small smile.

"Who said I am sulking? Can't I enjoy the view?" He said pouting.

"Sure" taehyung said pinching jungkook's cheek which was swatted by jungkook

"Stop touching me" 

"Then stop sulking" 

"I am not sulking I just don't want to talk right now"


"Let's just listen to some songs" jungkook said turning on the radio which played a smooth melody.

They both sat in silence enjoying the song. After a few minutes jungkook gave up and started talking. they both made small conversation here and there or just sat in comfortable silence. Jungkook tried to get taehyung to tell him where they're going but he wasn't successful. He hated surprises cause he was too impatient for it.

"We are here" Taehyung finally said stoping the car.

Jungkook looked outside excitedly only to see they were in the middle of a forest which made him confused. He looked at his mate with a confused frown decorating his face.

"What are we doing here?" Jungkook asked his mate confused. 

"Get off I will tell you" Taehyung said unbuckling his seatbelt. 

He got off the car and went around to open the passenger seat for his mate. Jungkook got off holding the hand that Taehyung offered. Taehyung intertwined their fingers and started walking. 

They both walked inside the forest, walking between huge trees. Jungkook looked around anxiously, the forest gave off an eerie vibe and it wasn't helping his nerve. He unconsciously leaned closer to his mate.

 after some time walking to god knows where jungkook started to get tired. He was already annoyed because of the curiousity but the walking wasn't helping it either.

"Yaah...are we about to reach?" he asked sighing which made Taehyung chuckle.

"Come on we only walked a little" Taehyung said still smiling.

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