Part. 34 Finale

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The alpha was helpless seeing his son murder each and every rogues that tried to escape his wrath. He saw how his son had a crazed blood thirst swirling in his eyes. He would've stopped him if not for the pain his son is going through. The whole pack watched their future alpha unleashing his rage in horror. 

Scream filled the entire forest as Taehyung bit and ripped each of their heads. His eyes was glowing in rage and his blood thirst wasn't quenching with just killing them. He needed to torture them he needed to make them feel his pain. 

He caught a rogue that was running away and held his leg making him fall. He pressed his long claws on his chest making them pierce his skin. the rogue cried in agony and pain. He pressed it further in and dragged the claw across his chest to abdomen ripping the skin and flesh. The horrifying scream shook the forest as he enjoyed the pain the man under him was suffering. He ripped the man's head from his body with a smile that scared everyone even the alpha.

The alpha realised belatedly that he is slowly loosing his son. He is loosing his control over himself and if he is not stopped then he might turn into a senseless monster.

"Taehyung enough!" The alpha said in his alpha voice with much authority and power. But Taehyung didn't even bat him an eye. He was too busy clawing a dead man's chest. 

"Taehyung I said enough! You've already killed them. You killed every rogue" The alpha again said sweat dripping from his forehead in anxious. Upon seeing his son's indifference he tried one last time before deciding to lock him down.

"Jungkook wouldn't like what you are doing Taehyung" The alpha said atlast which grabbed Taehyung's attention. 

He stood up from the ground his back facing the alpha. Blood was dripping from his clawed hand and his entire face and body was covered in blood. 

"He is......dead" Taehyung said after a while and his voice was almost unrecognizable. It sounded so broken yet enraged making everyone's heart ache. The alpha was left speechless as he didn't knew what to say nor do. 

"Alpha! " came the sudden voice of his subordinate ruining the tense silence. Everyone's attention turned to the man including the red eyes of Taehyung making him tense for a second. He pointed at where jungkook's body lied and as their eyes shift towards the man they saw how a blue light was passing through his body like current.  

They all looked at him in wonder what's going on? Taehyung's eyes widened for a moment his eyes turning back to brown in a second before he ran to his mate. But before he could reach him jungkook's body jerked violently before he sat up as if he just woke up from a nightmare. 

His eyes shined a bright blue and his hair started to slowly turn lighter and lighter. He grabbed the left side of his face with a frown and when he removed it there was a light red mark in a shape similar to star. He looked up in confusion. 

What happened? He remember running towards the crystal and now he is sitting here? He looked up to see his mate squatting next to him with worry. But what caught his attention was the way he see things. He felt as if his vision had improved. He could see even small details of things and his hearing ability too improved by how clearly he can hear each of the whispers of the people surrounding him.

"Tae.....what?"  His eyes widened when he saw his mate covered in blood. Anxiety hit him like a truck thinking his mate might've got hurt. But before he could utter anything his mate hugged him tight and he could feel his shoulder starting to get wet.

"Tae are you.....are you crying?  What happened? " he asked worried while touching his mate's back to see if he can feel any wound.

"I am sorry I am sorry I am so sorry...oh love I am really sorry I know I fuvked up but I would never do that to you anymore. I shouldn't have ignored you I am such an asshole I am sorry" Taehyung cried out hoping to get his mate's forgiveness. He didn't cared that others could see him cry. All he cared about right now was his mate whom he thought he lost for a moment. 

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