part. 12

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After surviving through mr.oak's class jungkook stride through the hallway towards the cafeteria. 

He was feeling a little drowsy probably because mr.oak always found a way to make the class most boring and sleepy. The guy take class like someone force him to.

As jungkook was walking  suddenly someone jumped on his back causing him to almost lose his balance.Luckily he caught himself before falling with the man clinging on his back like a koala.

"jimin-ah! Watch out. You almost send us both flying towards the floor" jungkook said  without turning back as he know the short man will be the only person to do Something like that.

"Aww.. come on kook you are too strong for that" jimin said pinching his cheek Refusing to get down. He demanded jungkook to carry him to the cafeteria as a punishment for not calling him hyung and respecting him and jungkook had no choice but to agree or else he know jimin would throw a tantrum. 

Few days ago jungkook found out that jimin was 2 years older than him despite being the same year in college. He was literally forced to call him hyung then on and would be punished if he didn't. The punishment including carrying his things around, paying for his meal And list goes on. 

Jungkook honestly didn't mind those little punishment. If anything he felt amused by how much this guy can be stubborn and throw tantrums. He suddenly felt like he gained an older sibling who likes to boss him around but loves him so much dearly at the same time. it is not that annoying after all.

He was so focused on keeping himself balanced with jimin on his back that he didn't noticed the person who was standing beside them staring at him so longingly. 

jungkook lifted his head eyes locking with chocolate coloured orbs. A quiet gasp left his lips staring at the person he was itching to meet for days.

Jungkook stood there like a statue eyes never leaving taehyung's. He didn't realise his eyes were tearing up untill his vision blurred. He bite his lips holding back a small sob which threaten to slip from his lip.

He wanted to run upto taehyung and hug him so tight but he couldn't. He was feeling so overwhelmed that he stood there unable to move. The bond was getting overwhelmed by his mate's presence and it was pushing jungkook to go towards his mate.

Jimin hopped down from his back sensing the tension between the two. He stood there awkwardly not knowing what to do.

"H-hey" taehyung said feeling his throat dry.

Jungkook wanted to reply but he couldn't find his voice. He opened and closed his mouth unable to say anything.

jimin excused himself giving privacy to the two of them realising that they need to talk. He walked away after giving taehyung an encouraging smile.

Taehyung stood there looking at his mate Admiring him. Jungkook looked so cute in his baby blue oversized shirt and white baggy pants.

Taehyung was suddenly hit with a wave of emotion.  Damn he missed his mate so damn much. Only he knew what he went through these past days. He wanted to run to jungkook so bad all these days. But he resisted his urges. He had felt every inch of his body hurting not seeing his mate and he had to avoid him for the sake of jungkook's comfort.

But now that he see his mate standing there with tears running down his cheek he doubt if he made the wrong choice. 

It pained him to the core seeing his mate standing there crying yet he is unable to do anything. His wolf was whimpering and nagging him to go comfort hin but taehyung wasn't sure if his mate really wanted him to do that or not.

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