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Sorry for the last short chapter, here's a longer one. Republished to edit.


Once Ramona got buckled in her car seat, the three of them drove to the tow truck company to get Genesis possessions out of her old car. Looking out at the window she was lost in thought, thinking of how grateful she was to be under a roof and landing a job in less than 2 days. She realized it couldn't be anyone but God. He always watched out for her.

Genesis' parents crossed her mind once more. She knew she had to call them soon. She wasn't ready to explain where she's been, however Genesis knew she couldn't continue that much longer without hearing her mom's voice, it's already been a year.

As they pulled into the parking lot, Rahiem took off his seat belt and turned off the truck. "Stay here, I'll be back."

Ramona and Genesis gave him a nod as he closed the door, saying nothing else. "Are you okay Genesis?" Ramona asked.

"Yes love bug! Want to see if Uncle Rahiem will take us to the park?" Genesis mentioned.

"Yessss!! I want to go to the park!" Ramona screamed! Genesis laughed at her excitement. A few minutes passed by and Rahiem came back getting into the truck.

"So are they going to give you my things?" Genesis asked before Rahiem could utter any words.

"Yeah, they need your signature. Whenever you're ready, we can go inside to get your things!" Rahiem acknowledged her. Genesis got out, and everyone else followed her into the building.

After signing some paperwork and 6 garbage bags later, Genesis was almost finished getting what she needed. The last place to empty was the trunk where her pop pop's watch was held. Lifting the back hood up, Genesis opened up her jewelry box with her key. She captured the watch in her hands, bringing it close to her heart. "Thank you, God, for allowing me to get my pop pop's watch back. I love you, Amen."

After a brief prayer, Genesis grabbed the box and her safe. Then She followed Rahiem and Ramona back to Rahiem's truck to take her belongings back to his brothers' house. "Uncle Rahiem can we please go to the park?"

"Maybe another time Mona, we got to help Genesis unpack her things from the truck."

"Oh please, Uncle Rahiem, just for a little?"

"It's okay if we stop at a park, I'm not in no rush." Genesis mentioned, smirking at Ramona. Ramona cheesed at her before glancing back at her uncle, giving him the puppy eyes.

"I guess the park won't hurt. But only for a couple of minutes then we have to go, okay?" Rahiem responded.

"Deal." Ramona answered.


Once the trio went back to Ramona's house, they unloaded the truck, and Genesis started to unpack the few things she brought back .

"Rahiem what I tell you about spoiling my baby. She gets enough sweets to last a week!" Rebecca slickly commented while Ramona sat at the table eating some ice cream.

"She's my niece, I can get her the world if she wanted it." Rahiem rolled his eyes with a smirk.

"See that's your problem now." Rebecca mugged Rahiem before laughing. Meanwhile, Genesis was in her room taking everything she owned out of the 6 bags she brought back to her new room. She opens her jewelry box once more, lifting her pop pop's watch out.

"I miss you more than anymore. I wish you were here." Genesis cried out loud longing for her grandfather's touch. A few minutes went by and Genesis put away all of her belongings and finished her task by placing her pop pop's watch back into the jewelry box that rested on her dresser.

"Finished already, I see." Rahiem stood by the door frame observing Genesis room.

"Yeah, it wasn't much. I also threw away some things I no longer needed."

"Good for you. Got any plans for tonight?"

"I may have something arranged. Why? Are you asking me out on a date?" Genesis held in her smile as she curved her eyebrow at him.

"I mean, if that's what you want." Rahiem gave a humble smile.

"I'm confident that would be fun Rahiem, however, dating isn't one of my goals right now. I've been down that road, and truly, I'm not fit to go through that again."

"It's cool, thanks for being upfront with me." Rahiem's ego was low-key hurt, but he wasn't going to show it.

"What if we all hung out like last night? We could go skating as a group?" Genesis smiled at him.

"Yeah, we could. Let's go ask them." Rahiem smirked as he grabbed Genesis' hand and tugged her out of the room.

The two didn't have to persuade the others to go skating, it was something Trixie and Rebecca always wanted to do, they haven't been since high school. It was also something they wanted their daughters Grace and Ramona to experience. They pulled up to Cosmos, ready to glide through the rink.

"Welcome to Cosmos Skate way. How many in your party? The clerk asked, standing behind the register. Rollins counted everyone,

"10. Can we also have some passes for the playground for the girls, please?" Rollins pulled out his wallet, paying for the group. They each received neon green wristbands to get in, and the girls got the color pink.

"You pick up the skates on the inside. Have a fun time!" The employee gave a smile as she turned to yell, next. The crew went through the door and entered into a rink filled with people, loud music, and food.

After locating an area to sit at, the men took off to pick up the skates for the females. "Mommy can Grace and I leave to the play set now?" Ramona asked yet a third time since they got inside.

"Can you hang a little while longer? Mommy wants to skate first, then I'll take you. Is that okay?"

"Yes mommy." Ramona smiled at her mother. Ramona was excited herself to try skating for the first time. After a few minutes, everyone had their skates on and was off to the rink. The song "Don't stop 'til you get enough" by Michael Jackson came on. Rollins and Grayson were feeling it as they danced as they glided.

A lady named GenesisWhere stories live. Discover now