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Genesis POV

"So, are you going to help me or do I need to find someone else?" I questioned.

Are you certain that no one saw you go out or into Marco's club? Are you sure no one can trace anything back to you?" Grayson inquired.

"Yes, I have no doubt."

Grayson sat down at his desk, reviewing his notes on what had been discussed. Then he looked back at me, "I will help you Genesis. After all, you put yourself on the line for my best friend and his family. Of course I have no problem helping out." 

"Oh Grayson! Thank you, thank you, thank you! So, what do we do next? Do I turn myself in?" I asked.

"Nope, I'm going to contact the police department and see what the charges are if any then I will reach back out to you. Keep in mind that you ran away and that there are consequences to everything we do in life."

"I understand that, just let me know. Oh, and before I forget about it, please don't tell the Carters where I am. I'm not ready to face 'em. I've already done a lot of damage by leaving. You can let them know I'm safe and I will reach out when I'm ready."

"I can do that."

I stared at Grayson smiling. I wanted him to know that my situation is serious and that I did not need anyone else to interfere. "Promise me you won't say where I am."

"I promise Genesis. I am your lawyer and it will be illegal to divulge your information to anyone else."

I nodded in an effort to trust Grayson. I picked up my bag and put it on the desk. "This should cover it, right?"

"No Genesis, consider this a gift from a friend." Grayson pushed the money back towards me.

"No, I want to be treated like any other client. Please, take it." I persisted. Grayson took the money with a nod, then I stood up and walked away. I felt fine and had to return to the hotel until Grayson gave me an update.


"Chanel, I'm back!" I yelled coming through the hotel room.

"Dang, about time! That took forever!" Chanel humorously complained. I laughed, then I went to lay beside her. A comfortable silence went by and we decided to turn on some TV to pass by the time. "So what happened?" Chanel broke the silence.

"It went well, I guess. The lawyer on hand ended up being Grayson Linard, one of the Carters' best friends. Lucky me, huh?"

"No way! You sure that's a smart move since you want to stay away from them?"

"Yes, I thought about it. However, I need to trust that God sent me the right person. I didn't get the wrong vibe from Grayson.

"Wow Genesis, you've changed so much. I'm so proud of you, girl!"

"Thank you Chanel. That means a lot. I'll be right back, I need to shower." I stated. After I finished cleaning myself, I noticed there was some food on the desk.

"Hey, the food just arrived. I ordered us chicken wings and fries with two sweet teas. Chanel smiled as she enumerated the things she had ordered us.

"You're the best!" I smiled and sat on the bed to eat. Chanel found some entertainment to watch while we were eating. Hours went by and there was no sign of Grayson. I pray everything works out. I know God will take care of me. It's starting to set in that I'm not going to see Rahiem for a while and I kind of miss him.

"You okay, Gene?" Chanel glanced at me.

"Yes, I feel so bad about keeping the Carters in the dark? They were nothing but nice to me and I ran away." I turned away from my best friend and broke down. To be honest, I was unsure myself why I was moved to leave the Carters. I mean, I've been with them for a couple of months, so it's logical to be sad about that. I just miss them all, but following God is more important to me. I hope they understand when I eventually go back.

"It's because you care about them and you know it hurt them when you left without saying goodbye."

"Do you think it was foolish of me to sacrifice myself on my own?"

It was a smart move, but I must say it was kind of disappointing to know that you didn't want anyone to know where you were. Anything could of happened, you know."

"Yeah, you're right." I flipped over and wiped my eyes. "So, how's life been treating you these past few years?" I questioned.

Chanel's cheeks became pink and she grinned. "Things have been going quite well. After you left, I'm not going to lie it broke me. We lost touch with one another and it was as if I had to find myself again. I kept doing hair and decided to go for my cosmetology license. I became a freelancer and promoted myself on social media. I've been living my dream Gene, I found my passion in life. I also may have found a special guy who I adore that came into my life at a difficult time. So yes, life has been beautiful."

"That's so great Nel. I'm so happy to hear how God's been blessing you. You deserve it, girl! I see you stayed close to my parents as well, so thank you for that."

"Thank you, girl! It has been a pleasure being with your parents. They've both changed over the years." Chanel mentioned.

"Yeah, they sure showed me how much they changed when I came to visit." I pouted.

"You have to give them another chance Genesis. You have to realize that they didn't hear from you for a long time. Look at it from their perspective. You know?" Chanel expressed.

"Yes, I understand what you mean. I'll be in touch with them soon and I'm meeting this special guy one of these days." I expressed it gracefully, then I embraced her.

"Oh about that..." Chanel mumbled, then scratched her head.

"About what?" I chuckled confused. I watched my best friend as she was giggling nervously.

"The special guy that came into my life, is your brother."


2 more Chapters are coming soon. Enjoy ♥️ -Chelssss

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