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Omniscient POV

"Ma, how about we eat here in the dining hall. They have some good breakfast. " Chanel suggested.

Genesis's parents looked at her to make sure it was okay, and she shook her head to confirm. After that, they all made their way to the dining hall to satisfy their hunger.

As soon as they arrived, the dining hall was full of hotel guests and workers were refilling the food trays. Bacon, turkey bacon, sausage patties, biscuits and gravy, eggs, fruit, yogurt, pancakes, corn beef hash, hash browns, and grits were among the dishes that Genesis and the others observed. There was also a selection of drinks available, including orange juice, sweet tea, coffee, and water.

Chanel's stomach growled loudly, and Genesis laughed at her while Jackson proceeded to grab a plate to fill his stomach.

Genesis teased Chanel after they all sat down, "Slow down, it's not going anywhere. I'm certain they have plenty of food. " Chanel rolled her eyes and they all sat quietly enjoying the food.


Genesis cried out, "Dang! I'm so full! " while she rubbed her belly. After she finished eating, the others returned for more, and she waited patiently for them to finish.

"So can you tell us how this happened?" Jackson questioned Genesis's appearance as he put a biscuit up to his mouth. Genesis stared at him, then at Chanel not sure if she wanted to reminisce about that day. She quietly prayed for the strength to let her parents in.

God's peace flowed through Genesis, reassuring her that even if she cried while telling her parents, her story, everything would be okay. Genesis took a breath and began to tell them what had transpired.

"Do you remember when I showed up at your place a few weeks ago? Once we returned to Texas, there was a lot of chaos that happened. Someone broke into our home, Ramona had something that a gang leader was looking for, and Jeremy kept popping up. At first, I believed he was just looking for me, but after the robbery, I noticed something was off. Sadly, I did something I had promised myself not to do again and discovered information that scared me. However, I knew I had to help the Carters because they had helped me. They became my family and I knew that one sacrifice was better than multiple."

"What do you mean by you did something that you told yourself you wouldn't go back too?" Sarah asked her daughter. Genesis looked up at her, uncertain about her ability to tell that story at this moment. She proceeded instead.

"That's another story for another time. Anyway, I took the jewels back to the gang leader on my own. And"

"Why did you go there on your own? You could've been killed! " Jackson yelled. After hearing his loud pitch, random people looked towards their table for a moment.

"Can I please finish the story without being interrupted? Your questions will be answered afterwards. " Genesis requested. The constant questioning caused her to become annoyed after telling parts of what happened to her. Although she didn't want to continue, she knew she had to.

"So, I arranged a meeting with the gang leader and requested that he stop harassing the Carters for the jewels he was seeking. Then I got the courage to ask to pray for him before leaving. I ghosted the Carters the following day. I just couldn't face them after sacrificing myself, so I went to a hotel. The police showed up and tried to arrest me. Unfortunately, I ran from them, which kind of made me look guilty. Then, I went to find an attorney to make sure I wasn't a criminal. The crazy part about that was the attorney turned out to be a friend of the Carters. Somehow, Jeremy showed up at my hotel room the next morning and he, he.." Genesis shook a little remembering how her brother almost took her life that day. She couldn't handle talking about what happened to her and tears were running down her eyes.

"It's okay, Gen. I'll share the rest with them. "Chanel comforted her best friend. Inhaling deeply, she gazed at her friend's parents.

"Jeremy came into the room, confronted her about ruining a job for him then pushed her to the ground and punched her till he was satisfied. He later stated that Gen owed him $15,000 by Friday. " Chanel stated as she recalled what happened.

Jackson's ears were filled with steam and Sarah was crying due to the details of the story. Without any words, they stared at their daughter.

"Did you give him the money?" Jackson questioned. Genesis delayed responding. Her parents looked at her with anticipation for a response.

Genesis shook her head, yes, as water fell from her eyes. Genesis's parents had a look of defeat on their faces as Chanel massaged her back. "It's okay, baby girl. Don't cry. I'm not upset with you. " Jackson affirmed.

"I just don't understand why Jeremy did this to his younger sister. He's always been protective of you. What changed? " Sarah voiced her opinions. Everyone at the table was thinking the same thing. They had more conversation before deciding to go sightseeing to lighten the mood.

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