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Genesis POV

The small bright lights sparkled across the dark sky as I sat on the balcony couch swing looking up. Replaying the past couple of days in my mind. "God send us some peace, guide us through the next steps. You are our protector. I know no weapon formed against me will prosper. Thank you Lord for my life. Amen."

I finished my prayer and gazed at the stars. I felt something bad was on its way however I knew that my God is bigger than any situation. For the past few years, I relied on no one but God so I know it'll work out even when it seems like there's no way.

"Need some company?" Rahiem gently spoke. Without turning towards him I nodded yes and kept my eyes at the small burning fires that never seem to burn out.

"The stars are so beautiful tonight."  I mentioned as Rahiem sat down next to me. Not knowing he was staring, he simply smiled.

"Yeah, You are."

I turned my face towards him as his words left his mouth. Redness flooded my cheeks as I turned my head back to the dark sky. We sat there enjoying each others space, not exchanging any words. Being in Rahiem's personal space felt peaceful and I immediately thanked God for answering my prayers just a few minutes ago.



"What is your story?"

I turned my head towards Rahiem, not sure if I was ready to give my testimony just yet. I've always been the type to care how others felt about me.

"It's cool, tell me when you're ready." Rahiem stated before I could say anything. I nodded at him and we went back into our comfortable silence.

"I haven't always been so humble as I am now when I was younger. I'm the baby of the family so I pretty much got spoiled. I would always get told yes, I would always be able to do an activity, I was the perfect child. Never got in trouble, good in school and had good morals. Well at least that's how it seemed to everyone, when on the inside I felt trapped. I felt different from everyone, I felt as if I was put on a pedestal and I didn't want to be. I was so afraid to make a mistake because I didn't want anyone to be disappointed in me. In middle school I started to get bullied. They called me a nerd and teacher's pet. They called me stupid and claimed I cheated in school without any proof. Those girls were so jealous they would beat me up and push me against the locker. I really didn't have friends. At that time too, my parents were going through it and my dad would be extra strict because I reminded him of mom. High school came and I decided I would try to make friends and fit in. Then, I met Jarrett."

"Let me guess that was dude at the restaurant huh?" Rahiem commented. I nodded my head still ashamed yet at peace of how that went down.

"Yeah that's him. Anyways, once Jarrett and I got together I turned into this boogie and mean person. I looked down on others. I acted like I was better than everyone. Jarrett and I were one of the best looking couples at our school. I was so sprung, so deep in that I didn't realize how dumb I was until after he left me. He was my first love yet my first heartbreak. He was the one who made me feel so beautiful yet so ugly. He made me feel like I was the only one yet shared what "belonged" to me. And even when getting evidence I let it all side because at the time I loved him. I supported him throughout his whole football career. The other thing is my dad got controlling so it was like I had no peace, no safe place. I tried to rely on my mom or brother but they eventually caved in and would bring dad in the picture and let me down."

"Come on you had to have at least one friend in high school right?"  Rahiem curiously asked. He could tell I wasn't done with what I had to say. It made me happy that he was interested and listening to my story.

"Yes, in 8th grade, Chanel got transferred to my school and we have been tight ever since. We don't talk that much now but when I went to Florida we ran into each other. She was there throughout the majority of my past relationship and the situation going on in my house, dad wouldn't let anyone else come over but Chanel. After high school Jarrett and I got into college here in Houston." I confessed. Before I could get the next part of my story out, I got interrupted.

"Wait, how did you become homeless? Sorry if that's too personal, you don't have to answer that."  Rahiem chimes in just as I was about to get to that part.

I chucked a little and looked into his eyes. "To make a long story short, almost 2 years ago Jarrett broke up with me to pursue an opportunity to get into the NFL and decided I wasn't a part of his journey anymore. I was so depressed that I ended up quitting my job, had to put my home up for sale and turned off my phone because I couldn't afford it. The only thing I had left was Henry, my car. Some clothes, hygiene and personal items. Luckily I'm good at saving so I wasn't that broke , I had only $1000 to work with so some days I didn't eat or didn't get a hotel room and slept in my car. One day, I decided to take my car for a ride to a bookstore. I just wanted to get my mind out of reality for some time. Walking through the aisles, I heard a book fall behind me. I turned around and the book was on the ground with a page opened.

It read, '"Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you suddenly like a trap."' I realized it was the Bible and the chapter was Luke 21 verse 34. I felt like it was talking to me. The words intrigued me so much that I started to read more and then I started praying often. I would start to go to public computers in the library or the park listening to Christian music and sermons online. I got closer to God, it was an amazing experience. 6 months flew by fast. Then about 2 months ago I met your niece and I felt like God gave me an assignment. I know now that God loves me. That he's my protector, my provider, my lover. He's so gentle and kind. He's the best father I could have. I wouldn't be alive without him. I wouldn't have survived without my lord. And you know what Rahi, God loves you too. God wants a relationship with you too. And if you allow him, he blesses you the best way that no one could. Not saying it will be easy but it's so worth it." 

I didn't have any more words to say. I could only lift my hands in the air and start thanking God for saving my life. I almost forgot someone else was next to me.

"Wow, Genesis. You're a strong woman. You've been through a lot and you still decide to push all of that away and keep your head up. You make me believe in God more and more. To be honest, I used to be a nice and grateful person. Then my wife passed. I haven't been the same, my faith in God definitely was gone. I just try to take every day by day and keep doing the very thing I dreamed of. Being a dentist, I love it so much and it's profitable I must say. And Rahi?!"  Rahiem chuckled at the nickname I gave him. "I do have one more question though."

I nodded at the nickname and smiled, "I'm sorry for your loss Rahi. I couldn't imagine how it feels to lose someone you love to death. Yes you can ask me. what is it?"  I had a weird feeling about this question Rahiem was curious about.

"What happened on February 15th?"

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