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It's been 3 days since the cops came by, since I heard from Rahiem and it all started to affect me in a way I wasn't familiar with. Today especially, I had that weird feeling again. The same feeling from the park when we saw the man that kidnapped Ramona. Rebecca and I were at the office going over what events and shoots we have coming up. "Leave" I heard a stern voice say. I looked around and realized it was from God.

Deciding not to hide the feeling I was having, I informed Becca about it. "You sure Gen?"

"Yes Becca, I think we should all go away for a little bit. At least for the rest of the week, one thing I know about God, when he says go, you move right away."

"I trust you Genesis, and believe that God speaks to you.  I will tell Rollins and we all can go somewhere."

"This is actually the perfect time to visit my parents in Florida. Did you guys want to tag along?"

"You sure ? We don't want to intrude."

"Yes I'm positive plus I rather not go alone."

"Sounds like a plan. Go ahead and book the flights Gen while I go talk to Rollins. We'll leave right away."


"Flight 3489G to Miami, Florida. We will begin boarding starting with the disabled, mothers with small children and seniors. Please make your way over to tunnel G to begin this process. Thank you."

The Carters and I are all at the airport sitting in the chairs waiting to board the plane. After talking for a while, getting away for a little bit was totally needed. I asked for Rahiem to not join us and luckily Rollins or Rebecca didn't question it. After everything that has happened to me, I won't beg anyone to be in my life. When he left that day the cops were at the house without an explanation, I realized that maybe relationships weren't for me and I'm okay with that. Once our seats were called, we all boarded the plane and waited for our next destination.

"Woah! They look so beautiful Gen!!" Ramona spoke excitedly watching the clouds.

"Woah! They look so beautiful Gen!!" Ramona spoke excitedly watching the clouds

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I smiled at her and turned to see them too. Things like this makes me feel so grateful. To know that God created something so unique as clouds. Who says we're any different?

"Ramona, try to sit still. We have one more hour on the flight and you can move all you want." Rollins told his daughter. She simply nodded her  head and got back on her tablet. I still haven't told my parents that we were coming, I just couldn't face them alone especially after seeing Jeremy out of the blue. I miss them dearly. I just disliked how they tried to run my life as if I'm a little girl. On the bright side, I'm glad to finally see Chanel.


"She didn't want me to come?" I asked while my brother explained Ramona, Rebecca, Genesis and himself were leaving for a small getaway. He wanted me to know in case I decided to stop by. I planned to go over there tonight to apologize to Genesis for my actions 3 days ago. I got caught up being jealous without her even explaining.

"Just give her some space, Hiem. I don't know what's going on between y'all but maybe it's best this way. I got to go, we're boarding the plane now. Love you bro." Rollins ended the call and I sat in my office, completing the paperwork from one of my patients. I checked a few X-rays and checked out the patients I will work on tomorrow before leaving work for the night.

My mind wouldn't focus. I have been away too long, I need to hear her voice or something. "Bro Let's hit the club tonight!" Trey stated coming through my door. I gave him a look before taking a swing of beer.

"Why do we always have to go out, can't we stay inside and chill?" Greyson mentioned.

"Good thing I bought the cards then." Trey said, pulling out the deck. We started a game of spades and even then my mind couldn't focus. I tried texting her before the guys came over but didn't get a reply.

"So what's going on with you and Genesis?" Grey smirked looking at me.

"Nothing, we're just friends." I told them trying to convince myself that its true.

"Sure, keep telling yourself that." Trey stated as he put down an A card.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You ditched us the other day and a little birdy told us that you left her house without saying anything." Trey picked up his stack and laid it in his corner. I rolled my eyes at my friends. They don't know when to leave things alone. "So what happened?"

"Two cops came by for questioning. One of the cops and Genesis were all up on each other so I left. I thought things were going well. We even went out earlier that day."

"So you thought that they were fooling around? Come on man, you know Genesis better than that." Greyson inquired as he picked up his stack.

"I guess so. I didn't give her a chance to explain. I left before she could." I explained as I threw out a king card. Both of my friends shook their heads. "What?" I chuckled.

"You really feeling her, huh?" Greyson asked.

"Yeah I am. What should I do?" I questioned as I picked up my stack and placed it next to me.

"Make it up to her once she's back. Until then enjoy this ass whooping." Greyson laughed as he picked up his third book. We sat there for a while playing multiple games of spades and drinking.


"Dr. Carter, your first patient is here for his root canal. Do you want me to bring him back now?" Nurse Linda inquired.

"Yes I'll be right there." I gave her my answer before getting myself together. Looking over the X-rays one last time. I left my office to begin the job I loved to do.

An hour passed and I was wrapping up with my patient. "Linda will schedule you to come back in 3 weeks to see how your gums are healing. Until then eat soft foods and change your gauges twice a day."

My patient got up and I decided to take a small break until the next one came in. I took out my phone to see if I had any messages.

Big Bro: Hey, could you stop by the house to get the file for the Renaldo's project?
Big Bro: Don't tell mom where we are.
Mom: Call me when you can, I heard Rollins flew out?
Group chat: Grey: Grace birthday is coming up, any suggestions? Trey: Could do a character themed party
Mona: I miss you uncle Rahiem
Gene: Can we talk when I get back?

Reading the last message I smiled at myself. I debated on replying to her or not. I texted my brother and niece back before putting my phone away. Little does she know, Genesis just made my whole day.

A lady named GenesisWhere stories live. Discover now