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"Yeah, I found them a few blocks from the park."

"Do you have the girl and my jewels?"

"No, not exactly."

"How hard is it to get one little Brat! You're trying my patience, Duece. I want what is mine!"

"And you will get that." Deuce hung up the phone while rubbing his hand across his face. He knew this would turn out ugly. Now, he wasn't sure if he could get out of it especially after seeing who's all involved.

A text came through Deuce's phone

Unknown: Dj is on his way to you. I want what's mine tonight.

Deuce threw the phone at the wall and grunted from frustration. Not wasting another second, Deuce picked up his phone, pressed some numbers in and awaited for the person to answer.

"Rider, we're striking tonight. Stick with the plan until further notice."


Genesis and the Carters got to their Airbnb getting settled in. A vacation was long overdue, walking into their rooms, Genesis pulled out the blue pouch Ramona showed her a while back. She was curious as to what was inside and why she bought it with them.

A knock came to her door and she quickly put the sack back in her bag. "Come in!"

"Hey, ready?" Rebecca opened the door and sat on the bed.

"Yeah, I guess so. Let's get this over with." Genesis was nervous to see her parents. She wasn't sure how they were going to react nor was ready for any negative energy.

"I don't mean to intrude but what's going on with you and your folks?"

Genesis looked at Rebecca thinking about what to say. Taking a big breath, Genesis explained everything.

Genesis POV

Talking to Rebecca felt refreshing. I love how she gives advice and I'm grateful she asked about my parents. Sometime after, the 4 of us got back in the car to head to the place where my childhood began.

Am I ready to finally face them after so long? My thoughts were all over the place that I didn't notice when the car stopped. Looking up, I see the house I grew up in. Memories came crashing and I had to ask God to give me the strength to do this.

I was the first to get out of the car, then the carters followed. Ramona grabbed my hand and we all walked up the porch, heading straight to the door.

I could hear chatter and laughs coming from the inside. I softly knocked and waited for an answer.

"Who is it?" My mom's voice came from the inside. She opened the door and her mouth dropped. "MY BABY!"

My mom grabbed me tightly as she cried and rocked me all while standing at the door.

"Mom, these are the Carters. Rollin, Rebecca, and this little one is Ramona. Where's dad?" I introduced them to mom as Ramona grabbed my hand again.

A lady named GenesisWhere stories live. Discover now