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Rahiem POV

Can't we just stick with being friends for now?" Genesis states, staring into my eyes. I've been trying to reach her since our date last Friday. After dinner, we took a stroll on the beach. We just talked, chatted about our likes and dislikes. Her laugh is contagious and her heart is so big. Of course, I wanted to be more than acquaintances. I don't know what it is about Genesis that keeps me wanting her?

I examined her eyes for a while before speaking. "Yeah, for sure, Gen. How about we all do something Saturday as a group like last time?" I proposed, forcing my feelings to the side.

"I'll love that." Genesis didn't break the stare. Instead, she stepped forward and planted a light peck on my lips then said, "Goodnight, Hiem." Before retiring to her room. I was left in my position with shock. Her lips were soft and fit so nice on mine. I desire to have her.

"Dammmmnn, Rahiem won the $200 for sure." Trey squealed, drawing me out of my daze.

"You all saw that, huh?" I felt annoyed but shook it off.

"So when were you going to tell us y'all were a thing?" Rollins spoke next.

"We aren't. We went on a date, but we're just too different. She cools people, though. Give me my money, G." I persuaded them it was nothing and threw my hand out.

Grayson handed me the $200 as we all went into Rollins man's cave to play spades like we do every Wednesday night.


"Dr. Carter, your next patient is ready to see you." One of my nurses came into my office after knocking.

"Thanks, Sarah, I'll be right there." I declared while placing some X-Rays away. I stepped out of my room and into the dental area to greet Johanna, a minor patient of mine. She was resting in the armchair, waiting for me.

"Hello Johanna, ready to get started?" I inquired as I sat on the wheelchair and setting up my tools.

"Yes." Johanna answered.

"Alright, open wide for me, please." I examined while I got the light close to her mouth. Today I was changing the bands and arch wire on her braces. "You want to keep the pink color?"

"Yes, could I have blue mixed with the pink?" She's suggested.

"Yes you can." I grinned at her. Johanna opened wide as I inserted a gadget to keep her tongue and mouth in place.

About an hour later, I was finished replacing the bands and wire for Johanna's braces. "Okay, you're all set. Sarah will set you up with another follow up in 8 weeks. You did amazing, thanks for hanging in there. You may feel a little discomfort, but don't fret it won't last long."

"Thanks Doc." Johanna spoke gently, I could tell her mouth was in pain. I ended up writing her a prescription for pain relief. This is pretty much how the rest of my day went. I replaced bands on two patients, applied the start of braces on 2 kids and one adult, filled a couple of cavities and took X-rays.

A long day of work caused for a sumptuous dinner. I cleaned up my office before taking off for the night. I locked up the building and got in my truck. I sat there and searched on my phone for food choices.

A lady named GenesisWhere stories live. Discover now