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Rollin and Rahiem looked at each other as though they were internalizing a plan for confronting Genesis' brother. At the same time, they did not know whether meddling was a good thing or a bad thing. They already lost Genesis once and knew if this was to go wrong, they could lose her for good.

The Carter brothers retreated into Rollin's office to come up with some kind of plan. Grayson chose that to be a good time to check on Genesis. While the rest remained where they were.

Back at the hotel, Chanel laid Genesis down, then went to the bathroom to call her best friend's parents. Genesis didn't fall asleep, she sat there crying silently.

The pain and torment twisted and turned in her chest. She clung her chest, feeling it breaking apart. It caused her to cry harder. "Lord, please help me. Heal me father, for you said no weapon formed against me shall prosper. Why is my family so mad at me? I have no idea where you're taking me. Whatever it is, let your will be done."

After Genesis prayed, sleep overtook her. In the bathroom, Chanel told Genesis's parents about what's been going on since she got here. Jackson immediately went ballistic. "He did what!"

"I know it sounds insane, but it's true. Check out the photos I just sent you, I just wanted you to know." Chanel was adamant.

"We're coming up there. Don't say a word to Genesis. I'll take care of it the moment I arrive. " Jackson declared.

"Yes, sir." Chanel hung up the phone before breaking down in the bathroom herself. She was sitting here wondering whether she had done the right thing. Not wanting to be lonely anymore, she went to bed with Genesis and let sleep consume her.

Meanwhile, Ramona and Grace were in Ramona's bedroom watching TV. Ramona was relieved that Genesis was alive, but she felt guilty about being the reason for her departure. She knew she had to reach out to Genesis somehow.

"Are you okay?" Grace asked Ramona. Ramona looked at her cousin and asked herself if she really cared about explaining her feelings right now.

"No, I miss Genesis. I just don't understand why she won't see me."

"Then maybe we should go see her!" Grace mentioned with excitement. She wanted to do whatever it took to bring a smile to her best friend.

"Yes, we could, but how?" Ramona was skeptical about leaving knowing how her parents felt nearly two years ago. However, she was intent on finding out why Genesis wouldn't see her. And then a thought occurred.

"Grace, we need to get your dad's phone somehow."

"Okay, I'll go get it."

At the same time, Grayson has been trying to reach Genesis for a while now, but has not had any luck. Gray decided to leave a voicemail hoping that she would call him back. "Hey, it's me again, I'm just checking to see if you're alright. Well, call me back when you get this."

Grayson felt helpless. He looked towards his friend throwing back another shot until Rebecca took the liquor bottle and hid it. Grace took a stroll in the living room. "Daddy! Can I use your phone please? I want to play Roblox with Mona."

"Of course baby girl" Grayson handed his daughter his phone and kissed her cheek. Grace smiled and enthusiastically went back to Ramona's bedroom. Ramona was in her room anxiously awaiting her cousin's return.

"I got it!" screamed Grace as she rushed to Ramona's room holding her father's phone. Ramona breathed out a breath she had no idea could hold.

"Good! So we're actually doing this? Ramona uttered. She was nervous and couldn't understand why Grace was helping her find Genesis.

"I just want to see you smile again, Mona." Grace expressed. Ramona's been in disarray since Genesis left. Everyone could see how it affected her. Also Grace wanted to know why Genesis won't come back too.

Ramona embraced her cousin. "All right, go to the number so I can write it on my iPad."

"Look Mona! Is this an address?? Grace questioned as they both looked at Grayson's phone. Different emotions spilled through Ramona as she stared at Grace.

"Let me put the address in my tablet and store the number, then we'll figure out a plan." Ramona said.


Concurrently, Genesis just woke up from her nap. Her body was feeling a lot better than this morning. Turning slightly, she saw her best friend sleeping next to her. Genesis smiled at Chanel and then picked up her phone. She saw that there were a few missed calls from Grayson and Jeremy. Genesis did her best not to panic about the many missed calls and did not want another visit from her brother.

Genesis decided to call her friend back then dialed Grayson's number. "Hello?" Grayson answered.

"Hey, is everything okay? I just got up from a nap and saw some missed calls from you." Genesis asked.

"Yeah, everything is good now. Rahiem and Trey got into a fight. And Ramona thinks you don't love her anymore." Grayson admitted.

"Well, I'm glad to know everything's better I don't like that she feels that way, but I'm not ready to see them yet. Please respect that Grayson, I already feel wrong for leaving, then seeing Rahiem today after telling you prior that I didn't want to see them I feel even worst. I will show my face soon."

"I know Genesis. You know you're the first person I ever met that made me believe there is a God so here's a little bit of advice, when God puts you in a place trust his plan. Everyone makes mistakes. I would think he would want you to not have any fear. I'll let you go, call me if you need me.. Grayson proclaimed.


"Jackson, he's still not picking up, do you think he knows we know?" Sarah said.

"I don't give a damn if he does or not. Just forget it." Jackson stated. Genesis' parents were waiting in the airport to board the airplane.

Jackson was feeling awful about the way he treated her the last time he saw her. He looked at the photos that Chanel sent him till he got angry about the situation. He knew he had to make it up to Genesis.

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