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Genesis POV

I laid in my backseat of my car looking up to the ceiling thinking. Why me? You know when things get hard you start to question God. I was almost at that point before I told myself to not think that way. I knew God wouldn't put more on me then I can bare. It just sucks with all the pain that comes with living. 

Sometimes the person you love can kill you. How would you feel if the one person that knows you the most just walks away for nothing. Just because they didn't want the relationship anymore. What would you say? Can you imagine your heart breaking into pieces as he or she walks further away? 


"What do you mean you don't want this anymore Jarrett? We been together for 7 years. Why now? Is there someone else?"

I stared at him with teary eyes waiting for an answer. I needed answers, I could feel my heart breaking and he doesn't even seem to care. I was so confused. 

"No there's no one else I just don't want you anymore. Football comes first, you know how hard I've been working for an opportunity to come. And it has but that means leaving you behind. Yes I know that sounds wrong because you been riding for 7 years but..." He pauses looking at me with emotion in his eyes.

"Honestly you haven't been yourself and you deserve to live happily. Not worrying about me or thinking about me cheating. I'm tired of you accusing me of things and then try to apologize when you find out it's not true. I just can't do this anymore with you Genesis."

"Jarrett, you did cheat on me. How do you expect for me to think? You haven't did anything to gain my trust back, you just know that I wasn't going anywhere. That's unfair. Is this really what you want or is someone in your ear?" I yelled questioning him. 

"Coach said this could be my big break. Maybe get into the NFL."

"ITS ALWAYS COACH THIS, COACH THAT JARRETT! It's been that way for a long time now. I miss who you were in the beginning."

"I chose my path. It's time for you to choose yours. And unfortunately I'm NOT an option." 

He grabbed my face, placing a kiss indicating it was goodbye. Then I watched as he left out the door. 


Tomorrow will be a year since my breakup with Jarrett. So this is the answer: NO. I haven't gotten over it. The first 4 months were so bad that I ended up quitting . Which caused me to lose my home. I now live in my car until I find a job. Jarrett was my only family I had in Houston. My parents live all the way in Florida. No one knew about the breakup either. I turned my phone off 6 months ago. I just needed time to think. 

It's crazy how much of a downfall I've had. And I blame no one but myself. I should of left when he cheated the first time but I was convinced it was a mistake and it wouldn't happen again but you know how a girls mind is once it happens the first time. 

My stomach begin to growl, I looked in my wallet. I've been budgeting off 1000 dollars. Currently I have 500 left, some days I don't eat to save money. I looked at my planner, it was the 15th of July. I decided to walk today to save gas. There was a small restaurant up the corner about a 30 minute walk but that's okay, I could use the exercise.

Finally making it to my destination, I got an uneasy feeling. I stood there looking through the window as people ate. "Should I eat here?" I questioned myself. Deciding on ignoring my gut feeling I opened the door and walked in slowly.

"Table for 1?" A waitress came towards me with a smile. I nodded my head returning the smile and followed her to take my seat. "Here you are! My name is Tiffany, I'll be your waitress for today. Can I start you with something to drink?"

A lady named GenesisWhere stories live. Discover now