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Genesis POV

"So this was y'all plan, huh?"  I asked Rahiem as we sat across from each other at Lucille's.

Rahiem chuckled as he grabbed for his lemonade, to think of a response to my question. "Why you say that?"

"Well, today is giving date vibes." I smiled before I looked around trying to hide my pink cheeks from getting brighter.

"What if it is a date?" Rahiem gave me a serious expression. I didn't answer at that moment, I just looked at him.

In all honesty, I still didn't know what to do. I wanted to jump all in but had a little fear of what it would entail being in another relationship. "A date is not a nuisance. I do wish I was asked properly even though I love a surprise. " I admitted.

"Noted. I'll make sure that happens the next time. " Rahiem smiled brightly. All I could do was smile at that moment as my mind got lost waiting for the food to arrive. We both ordered the Oxtail Philly sandwich with the Famous Chili Biscuits for an appetizer.

"So there's a next time?" I teased as I grab my sweet tea to quench my thirst.

"Depends on if you're acting right." Rahiem responded, giving me a smirk. I struck him on the arm and we laughed.

"I really hope the food is great here, my stomach is ready to eat itself." I groaned.

"Trust me, it is. This place never seems to fail me. " Rahiem was confident. Suddenly, Rahiem's phone rang and he stood up and said he had to pick up the call. I sat there thinking about this morning.

Ever since Chanel sent those files, I couldn't figure out if we were at a dead end to our current situation. I wanted to tell Rahiem, Rebecca and Rollins, but they could be in more trouble than we're being presented with. The chance I took with Chanel is already high.

"Are you alright?" Rahiem returned to our booth. I responded with a nod and a grin, and then the food came. Deciding not to make things suspicious, I made random conversation with Rahiem so time would go by.


"You'll never have another day off!" cried Rebecca on the way in with Ramona on her back. I laughed at them being silly then was curious to what happened at work.

"What happened?" I chuckled at her statement. Rebecca told Ramona to go play before turning back around to spill the tea.

"Girrrl, this new client came in for a shoot and she didn't like any of the pictures I took. We went over our timed session and I had to reschedule the other clients because she was being a big ass Karen. Then she tries to leave without paying, luckily I had my daughter with me or Rollins would've been bonding me out today. " Rebecca spoke aggressively.

"Dang Becca, I'm sorry. I knew I should have went.

"Yes, I know. You're good Gen, I'm the one who told you to stay. It's just sucks that some people like to take advantage of black owned businesses and expect us not to say anything back. Nope, got the right one."

I laughed, agreeing with her words. "You got that right. Well, praise God that we don't have to bond you out."

"Amen! So, how did your date go?

I blushed as I reminisced about my day. "It was pretty good, I knew something was going on when you spoke about the doctor this morning."

"Well, I meant it when I said I'm shipping you guys. Speaking of which, where is Rahiem?" Rebecca looked around the condo.

"He went over to Rollins company. Rollins called and needed him for an important meeting. He left a half hour ago."

Suddenly Jeremy's name blinked on my phone display. I hesitated to answer. Taking a deep breath, I dragged the green bar across the phone screen and put it to my ear.

"Little sister."


"Are you ready to tell me what I need to know?"

"I already told you everything. How soon can we get back to the house?"

Rebecca sat beside me scrolling until I talked about the house. "Whose that?" Becca mouthed her words, trying not to expose herself.

Instead of answering I put the call on speaker, then held a finger to my mouth, letting Becca know not to say anything.

"You may all return when you are ready. Now answer me this, are you gonna keep lying to me or tell me where the diamonds are."

"Diamonds? What are you talking about Jeremy"?

"Okay Genesis plays dumb. You forget that I know you like the back of my hand and I know when you're hiding something."

I held back my thoughts, I knew I couldn't talk about everything while Rebecca was listening and worried my brother wasn't going to tell me everything either. "What if I did have more information, how is that going to help? How do we know that burglary and kidnapping are connected?"

Jeremy let out a dark chuckle. "I want to know everything by 8pm or I'll break it out of you."

"You don't scare me. My God is bigger. " With that I hung up, something wasn't sitting right. I felt in my spirit that my brother was more involved than I knew.

"On the bright side, I'm glad we can go back home." Rebecca gave a reassuring smile. I was happy that she didn't bring up anything else related to the phone call. That also gave me more security to let Rebecca and her family know what I discovered.

Rebecca went to check on Ramona, while I tried to come up with a strategy.


Rahiem POV

"So what do you think Mr. Johnson?" I questioned my presentation. Rollins called me about a major contract he was working on with the company when Genesis and I were having lunch.

Rollins wanted to open his first hotel. After many talks and research, we decided it would be profitable for his business in the future. I came across a hotel investor who built his hotel from scratch and has several five-star hotels open in different locations. Rollins reached out and made an appointment to meet for a deal.

"I like the concept of a smart hotel. I'm not sure how it would work with human and AI interaction, however, if we could manage it well and are positive of no major malfunctions happening, I can see it becoming very successful."

"Mr. Johnson, with your help and my tech company, I am sure we will be more successful than we had hoped for." Rollins said. Mr. Johnson sat in silence and re-examined the contract again.

"Don't make me regret this." Mr Johnson looked at the both of us and signed the contract. Rollins and our investor shook hands and the meeting was over.

After the meeting, Rollins and I went to go get tacos for the family to eat for dinner. We sat in the car waiting for our order to come out the window.

"Thank you again, Hiem. I don't know where this company would be without you, seriously."

"Anytime Ro. When we started this business, I told you I was with you till the end. I don't care if I'm a dentist, I'm here for you. " I stated.

"I know, I love you, bro. Let's get home before your sister in law tears my head off for being late. " Rollins laughed as the food finally came. Then my brother rolled the wheel towards my crib.


"Daddy!!!" Ramona screamed as we walked through the door. Rollins approached her and gave her a heavy hug and a kiss on her forehead.

"We got tacos!" Rollins smiles at the family.

"It's raining Tacos!!!" Ramona started to sing and sat at the island waiting for her food. Rebecca prepared the tacos for my niece when the bell rang. I went to the door looking out the peephole. Smirking, I opened the door and greeted our guest.

"Hiem who's at the door?" Rollins called out. Grayson, Trey, Grace & Trixie stood at the entrance.

"Nobody, just midnight and blockhead." I roasted our friends and welcomed them to my place.

"Son, I know you not talking with your chimpanzee head ass." Trey shot back and laughed. I dapped them up and we all walked in the kitchen.

"Shots?" Grayson held the bottle in the air.

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