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Omniscient POV

Ramona and Grace got out of the Lyft and looked at the hotel building Genesis was in. They held each other's hands before finding the courage to walk inside. Ramona looked at the address on her iPad while Grace reached up to click the button for the elevator. After entering, Ramona instructed Grace to click number 4.

"Do you think she will turn us away?" Grace questioned.

"No, Genesis isn't like that." Ramona stated.

Grace and Ramona slowly walked out to find Genesis's door as the elevator doors opened up and showed the 4th floor.

Finding the door wasn't the problem, but hoping that Genesis wouldn't turn them away was. After walking to door 427, the two girls exchanged glances.

"Well, here goes nothing." Ramona said out loud. She knocked on the door but was unsuccessful in getting a response. After waiting for a minute, they knocked again.

"See, I knew she didn't want to see us." Grace grew angry.

"I don't believe it, maybe she's not here?" Ramona questioned. After losing hope, the girls returned to the elevator.

Meanwhile, Genesis and her family were leaving the Houston Arboretum and Nature Center. This was their last stop for the day and they decided to go back to the hotel for a break and a much-needed nap.

"Gene, the scenery out here is truly stunning." Sarah mentioned.

"It's too hot, y'all ready to go?" Jackson asked. Genesis and Chanel shook their heads, yes, and they proceeded to walk to the rental car. During their walk to the car, Genesis looked at her parents and felt grateful.

"Wait before we go, can we pray together?" Genesis inquired. Chanel smiled while Jackson and Sarah looked at one another. They paused in front of a lake they were passing, formed a circle, and held hands.

"Father, thank you for bringing us all together again. Lord, our hearts are filled with love for you. Help us to seek after you and use our storms as a tool to transform us into the person you called us to be. Father God, I pray that you protect the Carter family and Jeremy. Thank you for allowing my parents and best friend to be with me at this time in my life. Thank you for protecting and favoring me. We need you everyday. In Jesus name, amen."

"Amen." Chanel, Jackson and Sarah said in agreement. Genesis' parents felt proud of their daughter. After a few minutes, they departed from the garden and proceeded to the car.


Back at Jeremy's apartment, he looked at himself in the mirror. Even with the bruises he received from Marco, it still felt like not enough. In fact, the pain he was in didn't compare to the realization he felt about what he had done to his sister and Chanel.

He removed his shirt and discovered a massive bruise on his side. He hissed in agony and made his way to the couch where Rider was lying.

"Move over." Jeremy grumbled. Rolling his eyes, Rider scooted over and exhaled loudly.

"You know, we wouldn't hurt like this if you didn't put your hands on Genesis."

"Shut up Rider. Don't you think I know that?"

"Man, I'm tired of always having you back for the dumbest crap. For once, I wish you would've listened to me." Rider became irritated, jumped up to leave, and slammed his room door.

Because his friend was right, Jeremy didn't express anything. Instead, he picked up the half-empty bottle of whiskey that was on the living room table and chugged it.


After returning to their hotel room, Genesis and Chanel laid down on the bed. It felt good for them to finally be back in the air conditioning.

"You okay Gen?" Chanel asked.

"Yeah, I'm feeling grateful. You good Nel?"

"If I'm being honest, I kind of miss your brother, but I will be fine." Chanel admitted. She has been striving to be strong for her best friend, but in actuality, she was also feeling hurt inside.

"Oh Nel I'm sorry. I was so occupied with my problems that I didn't notice that you would be hurt as well.

"It's not your fault. He hurt me too. It's like what we had didn't matter to him." Chanel began to break down.

Genesis held her and said, "Let it all out, mama." Which caused Chanel to cry harder. She had a deep love for Jeremy and believed he was the one for her. After Genesis left Florida, he comforted and showed her affection.

"I can't tell you everything's going to be alright, but I can say that you have to trust that God does everything for a reason. The way I feel about my brother is how I feel. If he truly loves you, give him time to correct his mistakes."

Chanel glanced at Genesis. She found solace and hope in her words. They remained there until they fell asleep.

A few hours later...

Genesis' phone rang multiple times, waking her up. Genesis reached out and grabbed her phone without opening her eyes. "Hello?" Genesis groaned.

"Damn Genesis about time. I've been calling you for the past 20 minutes now. " Grayson yelled.

"I was sleeping, what's up?"

"Ramona and Grace are missing!"

Genesis immediately popped up, "What?"

"The girls are missing. The school contacted us and informed us that they failed to show up for class. After that, they showed us a video of them getting into a car and leaving the premises." Grayson expressed sadness in his voice.

"I'm sorry, Grayson." Genesis was lost for words. While putting on her shoes, she became distracted.

"Did Ramona contact you at all?" Grayson questioned.

"No, but I'm getting dressed now to come help you guys look. Don't worry, I'm sure they are safe." Genesis tried to convince herself more than Grayson. He didn't say anything and hung up the phone. Genesis dropped the phone and wept.

"What's wrong?" Chanel asked.

"Ramona and Grace are missing. I'm going to go help look for them." Genesis replied as she wiped her face and made her way towards the door.

"Wait for me." Chanel jumped up and went into the bathroom. After she got herself together, Genesis and Chanel left the hotel room.

"God help me find them in Jesus name, Amen." Genesis said a quick prayer. Genesis thought it would be a good idea to go back to the park she took Ramona to when she first met her in the downtown area.

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