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"How may I help you?" The front desk officer asked not even looking up. I looked at Ramona who looked frightened.

"Umm, I found Ramona by herself alone in a downtown area. She's been missing for a year and she asked me to help her find her family." I explained.

The officer suddenly looked up and looked between me and Ramona with wide eyes. The officer pressed a button and told us to wait here as she ran behind a door.

We have now been waiting for 2 hours after going through a lot of questions from the officers. Ramona wouldn't go with anyone until her family got there. So the cops asked if I could stay with her until then.

Suddenly a door slammed open! "RAMONA!" A female screamed, getting our attention.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Ramona left me and ran towards them. They hugged and all cried. It felt good to know I helped a family reunite.

Ramona brought her family towards me, "Mommy, daddy. This is Genesis, she helped me find you guys."

"Thank you so much for finding my baby girl. It's been a ruff year and I'm glad she's alive and safe." Ramona's mother cried.

"It's not a problem like I told your daughter, if it was me I would want someone to help me too." I mentioned. I squatted down once again to Ramona.

"Remember you are strong, love bug. You're safe now okay kiddo." I told her.

"Thank you Gen for keeping your word!" She gave me a hug before I got up and walked out the station.

"Wait!" Ramona and her folks came running out the building. I turned around towards them.

"I'm guessing you didn't hear about the reward for finding our daughter." Ramona's father spoke.

"No and it's okay, I don't need the reward. I'm happy she found you two. God answered my prayers and that's the best reward for me. You three have a great night." I told them as I walked away.

"Wait Genesis! Ramona said you're homeless. Would you like to stay with us for the night? The temperature drops tonight." Ramona's mother insisted.

"Please Gen, I don't want you to leave me yet."

I looked at Ramona's pleading eyes. "Oh okay, can I atleast go get my car and I'll follow you guys there? I'm scared to leave it overnight."

"Of course, our car is through here. By the way my name is Rebecca and my husband's name is Rollin." Rebecca pointed to the garage parking lot.

"Nice to meet you both!"

We got to my car that was under the bridge and I followed behind Ramona until we pulled up to a 2 story home.

There were many cars already parked and I was excited to go in. However, Ramona came to my car door asking if I was coming.

"Just breathe Genesis, it's just people. You're going to be okay." I spoke to myself before making an exit out of my car. Ramona grabbed my hand and it was like peace went through my body.

I walked behind her folks while Ramona still held my hand. A banner that read, "WELCOME HOME REMY!" was placed at the top of the foyer. It made me sad for a moment. I miss my family so much but I'm not ready to face them yet.

"Everyone! This is Genesis, she's the one who found Ramona and brought her back to us." Rollin spoke, catching the crowd's attention.

After the toast, I was introduced to everyone there, then things went back normal at least that's what I thought. Ramona on the other hand wouldn't leave my side. Everyone who knew her tried calling her even the children her age but she wouldn't move. Rebecca looked at her daughter with teary eyes.

I blended down to her eye level, "Love bug what's wrong?"

"This is how it happened. This is how I was taken, Gen. We... We were having a party and I was playing hide and seek with my cousins. Then a car came by and took me." Ramona had fear in her eyes then puts her head down.

"Ramona look at me." I spoke with care. She slowly looked at me with tears running down her face. "Nothing! And I mean Nothing will happen to you ever again. Look around you, everyone came here to celebrate your return home love bug. Your mommy and daddy have been looking for you as you been looking for them. It's okay to have fear but God told us to fear not that he's with us every step of the way. Do you believe that?"

"Yes, I do."

"Good, What's the first thing I said?"

"That I am strong."

"Yes you are, now wipe your face and give me that beautiful smile of yours." Ramona cheesed at me then gave a big hug before running off to where the other kids were playing.

Everyone in the house just watched the whole scene happen. I had my back towards them so I couldn't see their faces. I just felt like crying. I turned around and everyone was staring at me. Then Rebecca came towards me crying. "Oh thank you again Genesis for helping my baby girl."

I hugged her and calmed her down. "No worries Rebecca. Can you show me where your bathroom is?"

"Of course, follow me." Rebecca showed me the way. I thanked her and closed the door. Falling slowly to the ground, the tears finally burst.

"Thank you God, you're simply amazing! You're worthy to be praised!" I cried out.

I felt the Holy Spirit and I got the peace I was looking for. God knows what we need even if all we do is give praise. I knew I couldn't hide in here forever, I knew one of these days I would have to face my family. I didn't know that after today, my life would change forever.

A lady named GenesisWhere stories live. Discover now