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Rahiem's POV

The sun invaded my sleep, waking me from my slumber. I wanted to take Genesis out today before she went back to work. I got up to do my routine, I checked the files on my computer, and I went to my brothers' for Genesis.

The tears from Rebecca were the first thing that caught my eye. "What's going on? What happened? " I asked in a confusing manner.

Rebecca only cried and pushed some papers towards me. I grabbed them and began to read.

I appreciate everything you guys did for me. I left to go meet Marco to give him his diamonds. I don't know whether I'll come back alive. I need you to continue living. You all have something to lose, I can't let you get into any trouble over this, Lords Will. I'm sorry I broke the plan and hurt you all in the process. I hope that you forgive me someday. Salutations!


"What the hell is this!" I yelled. I was confused, pissed, hurt. How could I loose another woman I love.

"She's gone Rahiem! She's gone!! " Rebecca and Ramona were crying. Genesis sacrificed herself for all of us. My brother rushed to get his coat on.

"Don't just stand there. I've been waiting for your ass to get here, we're going to the cops. " Rollin was angry. I shook my head and ran behind him towards the car.

"It's all my fault!" cried Ramona, leaving for her bedroom.


"Do you guys wanted to see me?" A defective came after our statement was processed.

"Yes, our friend left last night and wrote this letter. We believe she's in danger. " Rollin semi yelled. He's been silent this whole time. I don't blame him though I'm pretty upset myself.

"Alright, I'm detective West. Follow me." The defective opened the office door and Rollins and I walked behind him.

Once we got into the back, we told the agents everything from the first time we met Genesis.

"You all could be in serious trouble for not coming to us first. You better hope we don't find her too late. " another defective told us. We learned the second agent was detective's West partner, Agent Sadie.

"Well, it happened and we can't turn back the clock. But do whatever it takes to find my friend, she's like a little sister to me. Her name is Genesis Dixon. " Rollins stated. I was getting upset that they were not moving fast enough to go find my woman.

"Dixon? That sounds familiar. "Defective West interrogated, looking at his partner.

"Perhaps you know her brother, Officer Jeremy. You know he was there to question me following the break-in." I mentioned.

"Jeremy Dixon. Yes, I know who he is. Thanks for coming by. I agree that you guys should have came to us as soon as Genesis told y'all everything she knew. We will find her and will be in touch." Detective West told us. We left the station and decided to get some food to fill our stomachs.

I can't believe she's gone just like that. Soon as I got her, she slipped from my hands. "You okay Hiem?" Rollins asked as we pulled up to my condo.

"I'm straight." I said low-pitched.


Genesis POV

I sat in the chair in my hotel room looking out the window. I wanted to cry but couldn't. I couldn't look back, I have to get over it. I wasn't ready to face them.

Marco let me leave this morning after forcing me to tell him how I figured out his number. I eventually told him I knew how to hack and he made me erase evidence from the government system in return for my life. He also agreed to let Ramona and her family move freely. Astonishingly, Marco told me that he respected me for sacrificing myself for those I loved. He said to call him Uncle Marco and if I needed something to contact him.

I felt thankful for my life. I was grateful for God's favor and grace. I've been worshiping him all morning since I got to the hotel.

Soon, someone was banging on the door of my room. I walked to the peep hole and saw a tall man with a navy blue pants suit on and a badge on his hip outside the door. "May I help you?" I asked without opening the door that separated us.

"Genesis Dixon?" The man said from the other side.

"Who are you? Go away!!" I inquired. Was Uncle Marco a traitor? I wondered.

"Genesis, I'm detective West. The Carter family came to us and they are worried about you. Can you open the door and we have a chat?" Detective West said.

"How do I know that you are an actual detective? Don't you have partners?" I exclaimed. The detective didn't respond. I checked the peephole and saw he was gone. Soon as I felt good enough to go sit back down, someone knocked on the door again.

"Genesis! It is Detective West again." The detective spoke from the other side. I went to the peephole not saying anything. Detective West wasn't alone this time. He had a lady cop with him. It made me feel safer and I opened the door.

"Yes, what can I help you with?" I asked inviting them in.

"Genesis I'll get straight to the point. The Carter family contacted us, worried you'd be murdered by a man named Marco. We heard this morning that the same guy released you unharmed. We also learned that some of our evidence is gone. And I have a feeling you had a hand in it. Am I right?" The detective really put the bad police show on the air. His tone gave jerk vibes.

I had to get out of this room somehow. "You're impressive detective. I'll come down to the station with you. I'll get my things together and use the bathroom, then we can leave."

"You have five minutes." Detective West commanded. I nodded and hurried to get the couple of things I had brought with me. I headed toward the bathroom, leaving it cracked. I looked around the bathroom and saw the window. I rushed to see if it could lift itself.

"Come on, open up." I whispered to the window. The frame jostled and I snuck through the window and ran into the street to escape as far as possible.

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