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Genesis POV

After praying, I decided to order something to eat for me and Chanel. We've been in this room since we came home from my meeting with Grayson and I knew we were both hungry. Chanel was still asleep and I decided to wake her when the food arrived.

Once the food was placed, I clicked on my bank application to check my balance to find out how to get my brother his money. Tears began to fall, I worked hard for this money and again, I'm about to lose everything. "God, I know you have a bigger plan and this money is nothing compared to what you have in store for me."

I felt his presence and knew everything would be okay. Without delay, I sent a message to Jeremy to get his bank details. Once the money was transferred, I texted Jeremy to never contact me again, then I blocked him. I felt the need to cut him off and prayed it didn't backfire on me.

As the food arrived, Chanel finally woke up from her slumber. "I see the smell of food still wakes you up." I teased my friend.

"It surely does!" Chanel laughed and threw a pillow at me. I laughed while setting up our food. I didn't realize how hungry I was until the smell of chicken wings hit me in the nose.

"Let's eat!" I happily stated then dispersed the food between Chanel and I. As I walked to the table in our hotel room, I winced from pain coming from the left side of my torso.

"You okay Gen? You know what, go sit down. I got it." Chanel enunciated. I shook my head with understanding and sat back down on the bed. My best friend brought my plate and I ate cheerfully without complaining.

We were both sitting quietly eating, when I decided to tell Chanel what I did after I woke up from my nap. "So I sent Jeremy the $15,000 and I blocked him after he replied that he had received it. I will not be upset if you decide to have relations with my brother, but know that I am finished with him."

"One thing for sure and two things for certain, me and your brother are done with. I understand wanting to get that out of the way so I respect it, although I feel like what he did wasn't right. $15,000 is a lot of money girl."

"Yes, but my peace and relationship with God matters more."

"Amen to that! So what are you going to do about the Rahiem situation?"

"Ehh, I don't know yet. But I think I finally have to go tomorrow and face my fears. I know God wouldn't have placed them in my life for nothing."

"True! Well, what do you want to do for the rest of the day?"

"Maybe just rest, a shower is really calling my name. May I ask you something, though?

"Sure, what's up Gen?"

"Can we pray together?"


Meanwhile, Genesis' parents have landed at George Bush Intercontinental Airport. Sarah felt anxious and Jackson wondered if he made a mistake by coming to Texas. Nonetheless, they both were there and ready to see their daughter. Sarah decided to send a text out to Chanel to let her know they made it. 

"Honey, Chanel said that we should meet up tomorrow. Is that all right with you or are we going to their room now?" Sarah questioned.

Let's wait and settle down, and we can leave in the morning. I'm going to go get the rental I'll be right back." Jackson stated then walked up to the Enterprise counter.

Once Jackson got the rental keys, they both went towards the car, got in and went to the same hotel as Genesis and Chanel. "Jackson?" Sarah called out.

"Yes, dear?" Jackson answered.

"Thank you for the opportunity to see our child. I feel like she needs us and I know you two disagree a lot, but thanks for this trip."

"There's no need to say thank you, Sarah. I know I can be tough on her sometimes, but she's also my baby and I won't stand for anyone putting their hands on my baby girl."

Sarah smiled at her husband, then kissed his cheek. Afterwards, she turned to the window to admire the scenery. They arrived at the hotel in a pleasant time, checked in and decided to relax for the remainder of the night.


"Nel, I'm bored!" I groaned as we watched another Madea movie.

"Didn't you want to be in the hotel room all day?" Chanel said to her friend and laughed.

"True, want to go down to the pool?" I questioned. Chanel said yeah and we both got up and put on some clothes that we could get wet in. When I took my clothes off, I saw the bruises on my body that made me pause. Tears started to descend and everything around me went silent that I did not hear Chanel coming towards me.

"Gen, Gen!" screamed Chanel. When I turned to her, I cried louder. "You are beautiful Gen, even with the bruises." Chanel brought me into an embrace. I felt so grateful to have her with me and to share this moment with.

Chanel began whispering prayers in the atmosphere that brought about a wave of peace through me and I knew that God's will is better than my sad thoughts. I made up my mind not to complain about my situation.

"You sure you want to go to the pool?" Chanel asked.

"No, let's just watch movies instead." I told my best friend. She nodded, then helped me to my bed and I laid down. "Chanel?"

"Yes babes?"

"Thank you." I stated as I looked at her.

"Anytime sis, that's what friends are for." Chanel mentioned. I tossed the remote to Chanel and waited until she chose a movie. Then I laughed as she picked up the phone, calling room service to order ice cream.

A lady named GenesisWhere stories live. Discover now