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"What happened on February 15th?" Rahiem's question ran through my head. My smile slipped off  my face and I turned my head toward the night sky.

"Sorry, Rahiem, I'm not ready to share with anyone what really happened that day. The only reason my brother knows is because I called him that day to pick me up and he still has no idea what actually happened." I confessed trying not to tear up. I try to forget about that day. I'll forever be scarred by it even if I let it go and forgive.

The flashbacks began to invade my spirit and I could not stop the tears from falling. I've been thinking about February 15th, ever since Jeremy opened his big mouth to threaten me.

I was so into my thoughts that I didn't notice when Rahiem came to my side of the couch and wrapped me in his arms. Once I felt the embrace, I lost control and broke down.

"It's okay Genesis, you don't have to answer me. Just let it out. My apologies for asking such a sensitive question. I never intended to make you cry." Rahiem expressed.

We sat in pleasant silence. Rahiem held me till my tears dried up. As if I had no control over myself, I turned my head aside to face Rahiem. The look between us got so intense that we both encountered in the middle and shared a beautiful sweet kiss.


I twisted and turned on the couch trying to block the sun from my closed eyes. Feeling an additional warmth from the body behind me, I realized I was still in Rahiem's arms on the balcony. All I could do was smile as last night replayed in my mind. I stood up and walked through the kitchen where Rebecca was preparing breakfast.

"Good morning Becca!" I cheered before sitting at the island. Rebecca turned giving me a playful smirk. I figured she saw me and Rahiem on the balcony.

"What?" I laughed at her.

"Y'all cute or whatever" Rebecca teased while flipping a pancake.

I instantly reddened and shook my head, "No, we're just friends."

Honestly, I myself was confused about what was going on with Rahiem and me. I touched my lips when I was reminded of the kiss we had last night. A kiss like no other.

"Right, and the sky is red. You have nothing to be afraid of Gen, Rahiem is a good man. You should give him a try."

"I don't know Becca, my last relationship wasn't the best. I'm celibate and will not have sex before marriage. A lot of men don't want a woman like that." I mentioned. I was in doubt, but Rahiem felt so good. It was like there was a magnetic pull every time I saw him.

"You never know unless you try Gen. Do it and thank me later! "Rebecca was full of confidence. She never saw Rahiem as tenacious, even with his late wife. She was so upset about the bet, however, Rebecca knew that her brother in law and Genesis were meant to be. She knew she had to do her best to bring 'em together.

"I'll think about it. What's for breakfast?" I quickly switch the subject. I just wasn't ready for another relationship yet. We also can't get distracted from what's going on. I decided to concentrate on Ramona and find a strategy where nobody dies.

"Chicken, eggs and waffles. One of my masterpieces! It will be done in about 15 minutes or so."


"Hey, I need you to do something for me. I can't give you full details just yet. " I stated to Chanel. Chanel's a good hacker, we used to get into many things. I know if I ever needed to know something Chanel will do it for me. I can't believe I'm doing it again after I've said I'm not coming back here.

"I got you Gene, send the IP address and I'll send you whatever I can find." Chanel mentioned.

I hung up and looked up to the sky. It was cloudy. Cars were going by and the kids were playing in the park on the other side of the street. "God, if this is in your will, let it be done. Please cover me and all those connected with me in your blood. Lord, I don't know anybody but you that controls death. If this is your will, I'll abide by it. Jesus, even if I fall, keep guiding me. In the name of Jesus. Show me what I can do, I can't do nothing without you. You're amazing and great. Thank you Jesus! In Jesus name, amen."

A lady named GenesisWhere stories live. Discover now