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"Hello?" I finally answered the phone. It's been ringing nonstop for a while now.

"Damn finally Bro! I've been calling you all night!" Rollin shouted.

"What's up? I was sleeping. I had a long day between meetings and pulling teeth. What do you want and why are you calling me this late?" I instantly got upset at how he's blowing me up at 2am.

"Rahiem, there are people at my house trashing the place. Go by there, the police are on the way too. We'll be there tomorrow first thing. We're at the airport now." Rollin ended the call without giving me a chance to respond. I quickly got up, almost falling over my legs due to moving so fast. Then I was out the door in a flash heading to my brother's house.

The cops and I pulled up at the same time. I ran out of the car to meet up with them. I explained I was the brother of Rollin and he called me to come meet them.

The last cop I wanted to see were among the few cops present "Where were you tonight when the break-in happened?"

I looked at Jeremy like he was crazy. " I was at home. Rollin called me and saw what happened from the cameras and I rushed here after."

I tried my best not to catch an attitude with him. We walked into the house. They ransacked the place. Glass all over the floors. "Good. We'll have to watch them to see if we can find a lead as to who was here."

"That's fine. He'll be back tomorrow, y'all can do that when they get back." We walked back into the foyer. Something wasn't right, the atmosphere felt off. "Why did they do this, is my niece going to be okay?"

"Doctor Carter, until we replay what was on the cameras I'm not sure. There is one thing, it's not just your niece they are looking for. When Ramona came back did she have a backpack or anything with her?" Jeremy questioned.

"Not sure. Genesis was the first one who saw her." I said. The mention of her name made his face twitch.

"And who are you to Genesis?" Jeremy inquired. He glared at me.

"That's none of your business. Is there anything else I can do for you?" I annoyingly asked. I was ready for him to go so I could go back to bed.

"She is my business. I'll be here tomorrow with my partner. Good night Doctor Carter." Jeremy walked out the door and into his patrol car.


"WHAT THE HELL?!" Becca screamed. I sat up quickly from her loud voice. I felt like I got no sleep really. I walked down the stairs heading in their direction. Everything was still a mess. Rebecca was crying with Genesis holding her and my brother was holding my niece.

"It's okay Becca we'll just start cleaning and get new stuff. We have money to buy the material things, we have only one life. I'm just glad you guys decided to go on that trip." I confessed.

No more words were said. Rollin put some music on, grabbed some brooms along with garbage bags and we got to cleaning.

We picked up all the glass we could and decided to hire a pickup and cleaning service to do the rest. I told them that they could crash at my place until the house was cleaned.

I have a 3 bedroom condo, it was always Lydia and I. It gets lonely there sometimes which is why I'm always at my brother's place. Jeremy called to let us know he was on the way. We all sat there waiting in a clean area.

A knock came upon the door within the next 15 minutes. Rollin opened the door revealing Officer Jeremy and his partner officer Jenkins.

Rollin invited them in and the videos were replayed to see if there were any clues. It didn't show how they got in. It looked as if some of the cameras were cut off. "This is not enough evidence to build a case." Officer Jenkins mentioned.

A lady named GenesisWhere stories live. Discover now