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Rahiem POV

"Are you ready?" asked Grayson when I first met him at his law firm. He invited me to visit Genesis since they were gathering here today.

It's been a terrible week for me. I can hardly get to sleep knowing she's out there. "She was all alone, what if she was hurt." I wondered.

I shook off the negative thoughts and followed behind Grayson to his office. I let him prepare for his meeting and left quickly to the cafeteria for coffee. I was having mixed emotions about seeing her. What if she doesn't want to see me? Is this a waste of time?

"Aye man, you alright?" Grayson called out to me with a worried look. I shook my head, not wanting to say anything. It felt like hours strolled by. I looked at the clock on the wall showing 2:15. I rescheduled my meetings from today to see Genesis. Finding out Grayson was the only one who knew her location really pissed me off.

I sat next to Grayson looking out the window and waited for her arrival. Suddenly a knock captured our attention. My heart struck as an alarm. I look at Grayson and he gave me a good luck smile.

"Come in." declared Grayson.

The door handles shook and two women walked through the door. The taller one was holding Genesis to her side helping her walk in the room. Genesis kept her head down as they walked towards the chair that was right across from Grayson's desk. The other lady helped Genesis sit down and pulled away from her, that's when Genesis saw I was there. It shocked her to see me.

"What happened to your face?" I took a step toward her and shouted. Genesis shuddered and instantly began to cry. Her friend got up and stood in front of her.

"Look here playa. I don't know who you think you are. But if you talk to her like that again, you will catch these hands. You got me?"

"Good afternoon, my name is Grayson Linard. I'm Genesis's lawyer. That's my best friend, Rahiem Carter. " Grayson introduced us to the other lady guarding Genesis.

"I'm Chanel, Genesis' best friend. The morning's been long, so can we get back to why Genesis and I are here? I'd love to bring her to bed. " Chanel stated. I distanced myself while Grayson and Chanel spoke. Genesis' eyes were closed, hearing the case. I'm so angry, I wasn't there to keep her safe. Why won't she say anything to me?

"So there's no case?" Genesis finally said.

"That's right, I called the police and no one even knows your name. One of the detectives also mentioned, there's no evidence against you or Marco which means there's no case. Sounds like you got somebody watching over you. Now will you tell him how you ended up with a black eye or are we gonna keep the elephant in the room? " Grayson questioned and pointed at me.

Genesis looked at me in silence, then she looked at her friend and again at Grayson. A small tear dropped and she closed her eyes while breathing.

"Was it Marco? We all told you Genesis that we would be part of the plan to take him down. But you just couldn't wait, now look at you! " I yelled, letting my anger get the best of me.

"Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools." Genesis calmly spoke. The room got quiet, I'm sure we're all wondering what she meant.

"Huh?" I questioned.

"Ecclesiastes 7:9, look it up. Grayson, thank you for everything, whenever I need you again, I'll call you. By the way, it wasn't Marco, who gave me this black eye. Marco is the kind of guy that always keeps his word. Don't cause him any problems. He's nothing like them. I will explain later, tell everyone I said hello. Have a good rest of your day. " Genesis answered, then she and Chanel walked out the office building.

"Woahhh there, go easy, Hiem." Rollins said while taking my glass. I've been drinking since I came in. Seeing Genesis hurt like that really messed me up. She wouldn't talk to me or look at me.

"Damn bro you sprung ain't you?" Trey teased. That's what took me to 10. I glared at my home boy then next thing you know we were fighting.

"Hey! Break it up! " Rollins and Grayson came to stop us. "Cut it out you two."

They finally broke us up, I was breathing heavily and I read the room. I should've never gone to see Genesis today. I turned around and pulled out a liquor bottle.

"What's going on?" Trixie asked, walking into the game room with Rebecca and Marie.

"Nothing." said Troy and left the room.

"Baby, what happened?" Rebecca said to my brother.

"Rahiem and Grayson saw Genesis today. She.... She also had a black eye. "Rollins muttered the latter part.

"You really saw her Uncle Rahiem!" Ramona shouted from outside the door. Her reaction was the only thing that could get me to smile. Ever since I saw Genesis, I got in a bad mood. I keep seeing her black eye flash in my sight.

"Yeah, she told me to say hi to everybody on her behalf."

"Why can't we see her too? Does she not love us anymore?" Ramona became angry and stormed out of the room, followed by Grace.

"See, that's why I didn't want you to say anything to her." Rollins yelled and went to see my niece.

"Did someone really give her a black eye?" Rebecca asked that question empathetically.

"Yes, and she says it's not Marco. Who else could have done such a thing?" I asked furiously. No one else talked, so we sat down and thought about who would do this.

Rollins came back into the room and confirmed Ramona's all right. And like a light bulb went off above our heads, we knew who beat up Genesis.

"Jeremy." Rollins and I said together.

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