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Genesis POV

A Year later

"Babe, are you almost ready? It's 7:30 and the reservations are scheduled for 8."Rahiem inquired.

"Almost!" I stated. 

"You know you don't need all that makeup, you're beautiful without it." Rahiem claimed, as I applied mascara to my lashes. I rolled my eyes and greeted him with a smile.

"Okay done!" I said adding lip gloss to finish the look. We planned to have a double date with Becca and Rollin at Doris Metropolitan. I appeared in front of my boyfriend showing myself off.

"Gorgeous as always." Rahiem admitted and planted a kiss on my cheek.

"Thank you baby. Let's go before we're late. " I mentioned then we walked out the door. It has been 3 months since I started living with Rahiem. I was uncertain about the decision at the time, but I enjoy coming home to someone other than friends.

A lot has happened since I came back to the Carters' residence. When I returned to the car with Chanel a year ago, I shared with her what had transpired while I was in the house. I also told her about the kiss.

While we were gone, my parents found Jeremy at his apartment. From what mom said, there was a lot of yelling and Jeremy's roommate had to break up the fight between them. Then we all met up and I told them that I apologized to my friends and that the girls went missing, which is why they didn't hear from me for a while.

Eventually, my parents and Chanel went to Florida together because they all had to go back to work. I promised Chanel that we'll keep in touch and she could visit anytime.

Jeremy contacted me with another apology a few months after Chanel, and my parents returned home. I told him that I forgive him, but it's going to take a lot of work for us to become good again. He understood and contacts me everyday to see how I am doing.

Last I heard from Chanel, Jeremy and her are working on their relationship and I couldn't be more happy for them. As long as he doesn't break her heart again, I support her.

Rahiem officially asked me to be his girlfriend a month after I moved back into his brother's house. I agreed and we have been inseparable ever since. He also opened up another Dentist office and still helps his brother from time to time.

Marco contacted me 3 months ago to see how I was holding up. He wanted me to pray for him as his nephew was shot and he felt helpless. I'm thankful that he kept his word and didn't put anyone close to me in further danger.

Marie and Trey finally got together. Trixie and I actually locked them in a room together, and the rest is history after that.

As for Ramona, she was grounded for a few weeks after disappearing with Grace. She's doing good and I see her every weekend. She was so happy to hear that I and her uncle got together.

Upon reaching the restaurant, Rahiem opened my door. "Ready?" He asked.

"Yes, I hope the food is good." I admitted.

"I know it will be." He advised. Rahiem escorted me inside and told the receptionist that we were sitting at the Carter's table. The waitress led us to the table where Rebecca and Rollin were waiting for us.

"Gen!" Becca called out. She stood up to give me a tender embrace. I received the hug and then proceeded to go to Rollin and give him a hug as well. "Finally y'all are here, now I can eat!" Becca stated. We all laughed at her. Yesterday, Rebecca confessed to me that she's six weeks pregnant and she hasn't told Rollin yet.

The waitress returned to our table to take our order. I chose the Butcher's Cut steak and grilled asparagus as my side. The taste was something I was excited about because it was my first time there.

The food was delivered in a timely manner and the steak was delicious. "I'm glad we came here, the steak is so good."

"I glad too, baby." Rahiem kissed my cheek. I gave him a smile and then kissed his lips.

"Aw, you know I shipped you two right?" Becca squeaked.

With a blush on my face, I said, "You're right!"

Rahiem stared at me with admiration. He made me feel so blessed to have him in my life. This past year has been full of blessings for me, and I am grateful that I made the decision to follow God when I became homeless a few years ago.

"Well, I have a surprise for you, hubby." Rebecca stated, looking at me. Pulling up a bag from under the table, she handed a box to Rollin.

"You didn't have to get me anything Becks." Rollin inquired as he held the box in his hands. He gave her a kiss on her forehead before opening the gift. He slowly unwrapped the gift, and his eyes widen.

"No way. You serious? " Rollin asked as he looked at his wife.

"What is it?" Rahiem questioned.

"Yes, it's true. I'm six weeks pregnant and due in September. " Rebecca admitted and showed her husband the sonogram. Rollin kissed her then put his hand to her stomach. He was extremely happy.

"Congratulations!" Rahiem said and gave his sister in law and brother a hug.

"Congratulations Becca!" I got up and rubbed her stomach. "Please, let me know when you need me to take over on the days you don't feel like working. You know I got you. " I mentioned.

"Aw Gen, you're the best." Rebecca got emotional. After we had all settled down, we continued our dinner and had a great night.


"Did you enjoy yourself tonight?" Rahiem asked. He cradled me from behind while we were on the balcony observing the view.

"Yes, I did. The food was spectacular, and I'm happy for Rebecca and Rollin's new edition. " I mentioned.

"One day, that'll be us." Rahiem mentioned. I shifted my attention towards him.

"Yeah, after a ring is placed on my finger." I teased. Rahiem laughed at me and kissed my forehead.

"That's definitely happening." He stated as he gazed into my eyes and smiled. I felt blessed and grateful for my life. Despite everything that has happened, I am still alive and have my family and friends. And without God, none of it would be possible.

"I am looking forward to it. Ready to watch a movie?" I asked kindly. Rahiem agreed and drew me inside to the couch. He put on Elemental and we stayed up watching movies until we fell asleep.

A lady named GenesisWhere stories live. Discover now