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"Beep beep,"

My alarm clock went off, dragging me away from my precious dream. It was the next morning and my first day as an assistant. Before getting ready, I said a prayer to God and remained there praising him for the blessings he brought in my life. Just to think, just a week ago I was living in a car or in motel rooms for the night. It just felt wonderful to be in a physical home again.

I could smell the breakfast in the air as I made it downstairs, ready for my first day of work. "Good morning Rebecca, Rollins and Ramona." I spoke to them as I entered the kitchen to sit down to eat.

"Good morning." The three answered.

"Here's your plate, Gene. After we finish eating, we're leaving to set up for the shoot today. I have 2 clients, in between those times I will run over what you'll be doing. Oh! Before I forget, I realized you didn't have a phone. As my assistant I need to contact you at anytime so here, consider it a thank-you gift." Rebecca handed me a sack stuffed with gifts. I ate before opening the bag to see what was inside.

I opened the presents she got me. Rollins, Ramona, and Rebecca sat around smiling and awaited for me to open them. Rebecca gave me a Gold MacBook, a gold Apple Watch, a Gold iPhone 12 Pro, and a wireless headset. "Oh, my Becca! Thank you so much, this is very kind. Are you sure about all of this? I'm cool with just the phone."

"No, this is all yours. Plus, it's a necessity for your role as my assistant. I also got you an iPad however it hasn't gotten here yet. The iPad will be for when we travel. Until then, the MacBook will be efficient. I'll get you all the information you will need to input into the laptop and phone. You ever heard of dual sim?" Rebecca asked.

"No, I haven't. What's a dual sim?" I wondered.

"A dual sim is having 2 numbers at once using the same phone. I had that setup on your iPhone so that my clients don't have our personal ones." Rebecca grinned as she got up from the table. She advised me to follow her, and we went to her office. She was grabbing the file she needed for today while explaining some details to me. We prepared to leave out the door before Rollins called out my name.
"I almost forgot. This is for you, it's my thank you for finding my baby girl. I know you don't care for these things, but you're like family now and this is just how we treat our loved ones. No take backs." Rollins smiled as he gave me a hug and an envelope. I placed the packet inside my work bag I also received at breakfast, then followed Rebecca to her jeep.


Today has been a long day. I couldn't complain, it felt good to be working again. I stood in a food truck line waiting to order Rebecca and me lunch. The first shoot lasted 4 hours and being an assistant isn't bad. Today I was instructed to just observe how things flow, then after lunch I have to import numbers and download files to my laptop to send to Becca. I learned now that Rebecca isn't just a photographer, she also does event coordinating. I can't help but admire a black woman's work ethic.

"Hello pick up for Carter. Please." I stated to the food truck guy. He handed me 2 bags after I paid, then I got into Becca's jeep, leaving towards my destination. As I pulled up to Rebecca's office building, I hear familiar voices coming from the inside.

"There she is!" Rebecca yelled across from the office. Rollins, Rahiem and Ramona were standing in the front area. I waved at them before setting Rebecca's plate up so that she can eat. "Thank you, Genesis!" Rebecca said before she dug in her food.

"So what brings you guys by during work hours?" I inquired, glancing at Ramona with a grin.

"We got bored. I wanted to see you guys. Can I hang out with you two?" Ramona questioned.

"Princess, mommy will be done in 3 hours then you will be with them both, okay? We can go out for dinner. Would you like that?" Rollins asked Ramona.

"Can I choose the place to eat at daddy?"

"Of course princess." Rollins picked Ramona up, then placed a kiss on her cheek. Rahiem didn't say much he just remained in the back, scrolling on his phone. He glanced up at me, catching me look at him before going back into his phone. I ignored him and started to load information while learning how to use the dual sims.

Once I completed inputting 50 numbers into my new phone, the next client came to the studio for their shoot session. This client looked familiar. She was 5'6, with a slim shape and a light-brown complexion. Her hair was sleek, straight black and her makeup was slayed. She wore a nice red body-con dress that had a slit running up the side.

"Gene, meet my client Ashlee Conley. Ashlee, this is my assistant, Genesis." Rebecca introduced me to her model. I also choked when I realized who it was. Standing in front of me was my ex's sister. I'm uncertain if she recognizes me. I look different from before. Not only that, but I used to wear braids and lace fronts all the time, and I was bigger than I am now.

"Nice to meet you." I uttered, trying to disguise my voice. I'm guessing she didn't recognize me, or she's a great actor because she just smiled and responded with a "Likewise."

3 hours later, the shoot was completed, and we finished work for the day. I was happy to go lie down in my bed and relax for the rest of the day.


"Knock, Knock"

I laid there, ignoring the person who wished to enter. I sealed my eyes as the knocking eased.

"Knock, knock, knock."

Groaning, I got up to answer the door. Opening the door, Ramona stood there with a smile. Her hair looked done. It was made in Bantu knots and two braids falling to the side with beads hanging on the ends.

"Genesis, you're going to dinner with us, right?" Ramona questioned

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"Genesis, you're going to dinner with us, right?" Ramona questioned.

"I'm not sure, love bug. I'm exhausted from working all day." I muttered to her as I got back in bed.

"Please Genesis! Can you come, please? Daddy let me pick the restaurant. I want you there." Ramona pleaded. I looked at her, she was trying to look at the puppy dog look on me.

"Oh fine! I'll start getting ready." I gave in.

"Yay! Okay, mommy told me to tell you we were leaving at 8:30." Ramona grinned hard. She sat on the bed a little before fleeing to get dressed herself. 

"Now what could I wear?" I asked myself while going through the clothes I had.

A lady named GenesisWhere stories live. Discover now