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Genesis POV

The weekend went by in a flash. It was Monday and I was supposed to meet Grayson again. I didn't realize how much I missed Chanel though, hanging out with her this past week has been the best. I'm thankful to God that I have good people in my life.

I looked over and saw it was 6:15am. Chanel was sleeping soundly. I got up and got ready for the day and ordered breakfast.

Suddenly, hard knocks were heard from the other side of our door. Chanel emerged from the bed and I panicked. We looked at each other and Chanel told me to hide in the closet. She went up to the peephole and saw nothing but blackness. "Hello? Who is it? " Chanel spoke.

"Chanel? What are you doing here? " Jeremy stated.

"Is it really of any importance? What do you want? Do you not see what time it is? " Chanel semi yelled.

"Nel stop playing games. Where's my sister?" Jeremy posed that question arrogantly. I watched the interaction between the two. I looked around and I saw there was another guy with my brother.

"Lord, show me how to proceed. Lead me by your will. I trust that you will make a way out of any situation. In Jesus name, Amen." I whispered a prayer. Unfortunately for me, my legs began to dull and the closet door opened revealing my presence. My brother shook his head and came over to help me out.

"So I guess Marco saw the two of you." I asked to turn down his help. Jeremy was taken aback.

"I knew that you had more information than what you told us during the break in Genesis. You lied to my face. Don't you know that you had us pay back $10,000 for a job we couldn't complete? " Jeremy pushed me to the ground.

The shock was a euphemism when I realized I was on the ground. I wasn't about to let my brother bring my old self back. "Vengeance is mine says the Lord. Watch how you mess with a child of God. I don't owe you or anyone any explanations on how I move in my life."

"Genesis shut that crap up. You're still the same brat, I grew up with. " Jeremy  kicked and punched me around as his partner held onto Chanel who tried getting out of his hold. Not once did I fight back, I just held myself as if I was a turtle.

"Why don't you get help from your God?" Jeremy's partner laughed. Chanel then struck the partner and approached me shouting stop for the last time.

"You owe me 15,000 by the end of this week. Don't make me come find you. Oh, and Chanel we're over." Jeremy said with a final kick to my side. After that, they left, leaving Chanel and I in our thoughts.

"Are you all right?" said Chanel first. I knew I had bruises all over the place and I still had to go meet Grayson.

"I'll live. God will deal with it." I talked gently, trying not to cry. I looked at Chanel who was crying all over the place. "Are you okay? So the guy you brought up before was my brother?"

Chanel nodded and wept. I couldn't believe what just happened. I decided I should pray for peace. "Lord Jesus, thank you for our lives. Father, thank you for looking after us and giving us another chance at life. Teach me to live as you do. Lord, we request your healing, your peace and your strength today. We need you and we love you, God. In Jesus name, Amen.


The time reads 2:15pm and we had to go see Grayson in 15 minutes. After what happened this morning, Chanel and I decided to take a nap, in the hopes of feeling better.

"I guess I should have told the Carters where I was, maybe I wouldn't be hurt and you wouldn't have a broken heart right now."

"No, don't blame this on yourself Gen, your brother is old enough to take accountability for his actions. I should've told you who the guy I was talking too. I can't believe I was stupid over him."

I shook my head understandably. I got up from bed slowly because of my painful body. I had to figure this thing out myself. I already brought Chanel into it enough. "You're still going, even though you look like this? You have a black eye for god's sake."

I stared at myself in the mirror as Chanel pointed out the bruise under my eye. "It has to be done, Chanel. I just don't want Marco going after me or anybody else."

"This time, I'm coming' with you." Chanel got up and went to the bathroom. Then I turned on a little gospel while we were getting ready.

After we finished covering up my bruised body, we got into the car and went to the law firm. I was super nervous and embarrassed because of how I looked. You could really see that something was wrong with me and my mind was crushed thinking about this morning that I couldn't lift my voice up well.

Chanel got out of the car before coming to my aid. "You sure about this Gen?" She asked me one last time. I shook my head, and we walked into the firm.

Chanel signed us in and we waited in the lobby for Grayson to call us back into his office. "Ms. Dixon, Mr. Linard is ready for you. Do you know where to go or do you need me to point you in the right direction?" The reception lady asked a few questions.

"I know the way, thanks." I answered softly. We walked to Grayson's office and knocked on the door. He told us to come in and Chanel looked at me before turning the knob.

We entered slowly and I felt as though I was going to cry. To make matters worse, once Chanel helped me sit down, I glanced up and saw Rahiem.

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