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Ramona POV

"Mona! Did you hear me? " Grace called out my name the fourth time.

"Yes?" I squealed jumping back into reality. I gave her a cunning grin before I concentrated on her.

"I was saying, we could ask our daddies if we could go to the pool tomorrow!"

"Yeah! The pool sounds fun! " I feigned my happiness, then I looked up at the ceiling. I've felt frightened since I saw Sir in the park. The robbery didn't reassure me when we were in Florida. I feel like this is all my fault. If I did not return home, my parents, my uncle or Genesis would not be in danger.

"What's wrong, Mona?" Grace sat beside me. She looked concerned.

"I wish I had died when they kidnapped me. Then none of this would have happened. " I couldn't hold my tears in any longer.

Grace tried her best to comfort me. I had to beg her not to go get our parents. I didn't want to add any more stress.

"Ah, I know what might help! A movie! " Grace grabbed the remote and we sat in the guest room the rest of the night watching Wretch it Ralph.


Genesis POV

"Wait, wait! Run that back. You want us to do what? " Trey questioned.

"Yes, I agree with Trey, this is real life we're talking about! This isn't some movie. Some of us can't get a second chance if we blow it. " Trixie inquired.

"What do you think, Rollins? Rebecca? " I asked them both for their opinions.

"Well, it may work. We need backup plans in case anything goes wrong. We need to make sure we all get out of this safe. " Rollins mentioned.

"Genesis, if it wasn't for your kindness we wouldn't have found Mona. I trust that God will lead you and help us make it out of this. Plus, the consequences are minimal with this strategy too," Rebecca said.

After reviewing the plan a few times and different scenarios that can happen in case, we all decided to end the evening.

It was nice to finally have friends that have your back. As I walked through tonight's event, I looked up at the night sky, feeling free. I held what really happened on the 15th of February  such a long time. Sometimes we need to speak to those we trust and tell them what we tend to carry within our mind.

"You okay?" Rahiem asked, coming through the sliding door.

"Yes, just enjoying the night sky. How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine now." Rahiem watched me with a smile. I felt the redness grow on my cheeks.

"Praise the lord! You were so quiet earlier. " I looked to him, then back at the stars. I wanted to know his thoughts on the plan, but knew he probably felt some type of way because he asked me about February 15th just yesterday and I told everyone together.

"So..... What do you think about the plan? I asked him a few questions. We were seated facing each other on the balcony swing.

"I feel we should take what we know to the police and let them handle it, however, that doesn't come up with the plan till after step 3." Rahiem stated sarcastically holding up three fingers.

I smiled at his behavior. For a moment, we sat there silently, appreciating the presence of the other. I sneaked a view of Rahiem as he watched the stars. His chiselled jaw still appeared with a full beard. He smelled like fresh amber wood and fruit just like the scent Sauvage Dior. His lashes were long and the honey color in his eyes made my heart beat faster. He caught me admiring him and I lowered my eyes to avoid being caught.

A lady named GenesisWhere stories live. Discover now