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My date with Rahiem went better than I thought! We talked that whole night. He was a gentleman and hilarious. I also was mindful not to reveal everything on our first date. It was one of my boundaries I set for myself before I went out with him.

I'm certain you're wondering why I even went after overhearing that the guys had a bet on me. To be honest, I don't know why myself. I prayed to God and felt like I got a sign last Friday morning to go. So with some courage and the key to a man's heart, I spent my lunch break with him, then agreed to go on a date that night.

A couple of days later, Rebecca and I got done with work early. We decided to go out to get some food. I suggested inviting Marie and Trixie, and we all met up at Backstreet café.

"Hi, my name is Hannah, and I'll be your waitress today. Can I start you ladies off with something to drink?" Our waitress spoke to us after we got seated. We were outside for fresh air. We ordered our refreshments and inquired for a little time to look over the menu.

"So how was your date last Friday, Gen?" Marie asked as all other chatter died out. I felt my cheeks blush as I reminisced about my first date with Rahiem.

"It was lovely! Nothing like what I expected." I declared.

"Ou I need details!" Trixie squealed. Times like this, I missed my bestie Chanel back in Florida. I haven't spoken to her since Jarrett and I moved to Texas to seek his football career. I ended up telling them how the date went and also about the bet I overheard.

"Oh hell nah, Genesis!" Trixie yelled.

"Wait, so there's a bet on who would ask you out, and you went out with Rahiem anyway?" Marie questioned.

"Yeah! It just felt right, and it wasn't my place to eavesdrop, anyway." I blurted out.

"Eavesdrop or not having a bet on someone is not acceptable." Rebecca added.

"So what should I do, then? I can admit I  like him, but this bet thing is bothering me," I inquired.

"How about you turn the tables on him?" Trixie mentioned. We all stared at her. She had this grin on her face and I picked up an anxious feeling.

"What do you mean Trixie?" I questioned.

"Here's the plan." Trixie explained the idea she had in mind.


I was resting at the table, emailing clients that just booked services with us. It was Wednesday, and I was doing extra work at home so that it can be prepared for tomorrow.

"Alright, I'm finished. Becca, we have 3 shoots between Thursday and Friday and the baby shower for your last client Saturday. Anything else you needed?" I asked, before closing the laptop.

"No, Gen, that's all! You have been doing above and beyond. I appreciate you." Rebecca hugged me before moving back to the stove. She's cooking dinner tonight for everyone.

"Hey, I'm just pleased to help! God is great!" I smiled at her.

"Yes, he is!!" Rebecca shouted in accord.

After placing my laptop away in my room. I came back downstairs to straighten up the living room and dining table. Rebecca is cooking homemade lasagna, broccoli and garlic bread. It smelled so wonderful.

"Mommy, is the food almost done yet?" Ramona and Grace came out of nowhere.

"Yes baby! Just 5 more minutes, okay?" Rebecca spoke. Ramona nodded her head as she told Grace to follow her back into her room.

Once the meal was finished, Grayson and Trey walked in with drinks and dessert. Then we all sat down to give the Lord thanks for our food. As I dug in my lasagna, I caught Rahiem looking at me. I peeked over to Rebecca, who I believe purposely sat him in front of me because of our plan. I was quite nervous, especially because of what Trixie came up with. I haven't spoken to Rahiem since our date last week.

"Becca, this lasagna is so slap!" Trey groaned before taking another bite.

"I'm glad you like it." Rebecca cheesed. The rest of the night went smoothly. My mom popped back into my mind. I miss her dearly and her birthday is tomorrow. I guess the real reason I haven't called is because I know my parents will try to persuade me to come back.

A month ago, I would've agreed, but now I feel like my life has just got started. God blessed me to be a part of a beautiful family, and our relationship is only becoming better. I have new friends, a home to sleep under, and a job that pays great. I just wouldn't have a reason to go back to Florida.

"So, are you going to explain to me why you have been avoiding me these past couple of days?"

I heard his voice come from behind me. I was glancing out the window, watching the view. I've been dodging Rahiem since he got here for dinner tonight. I knew I would run into him eventually. I shifted around to face him, and before I could speak, I saw Trixie wink at me.

"There's no reason. Just didn't feel like talking, that's all. How have you been?" I grinned at him.

"Mmm" He didn't say anything else, just remained there staring out at the scenery. "So are you going to be real with me about why you have been ignoring me, Genesis?"

He didn't move, just kept looking out the window. "It's still all new to me that's all, I apologize about the way I made you feel."

Rahiem studied my eyes. Then he offered me a smile. "How was your day?"

"It was long, but I can't complain. I love it! How was yours?" I returned the smile before glancing back out the window.

"It was pretty much the same for me. What's on your mind, beautiful ?"  Rahiem inquired.

"My mom, Her birthday is tomorrow." I confessed.

"Oh nice, how old is she turning?" Rahiem questioned.

"She'll be 48. However, she looks 30." I snickered a little thinking of my mother.

"I believe it. So, what are your plans for Saturday?"

"I work Saturday. Look Rahiem, the atmosphere on our date last week was one of the best nights I've had in a very long time. I'm just not interested in dating right now. Maybe in the future, we can work something out. Can't we just stick with being friends for now?"  I stated looking into his eyes.

He studied my eyes for a while before speaking. "Yeah for sure Gen. How about we all do something Saturday as a group like last time?" Rahiem suggested.

"I'll like that." I didn't break the stare. Instead, I moved forward and planted a light kiss on his lips. "Goodnight Hiem." I left him at the window in a daze. I said goodnight to everyone else then retired upstairs to my room and got ready for bed.

A lady named GenesisWhere stories live. Discover now